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Effective interval fasting - this is how it works


The basic principle of the interval fasting is quite simple: During certain hours of the day you may eat normally, while during the remaining hours no food and only sugar-free drinks are consumed. During the eating phase you can actually eat without any restrictions, but of course you have to make sure that the food is balanced and healthy. Even with interval fasting, weight loss is only possible if you remain in your calorie deficit.

Above all, it is important that you listen to your body. As soon as you notice that you are hungry and your stomach growls without a break, it is a sign to your body that it needs more energy and cannot cope with the renunciation. Such a situation can occur especially in the initial phase, because the body cannot adapt so quickly to the new diet and has to get used to it slowly. Since starvation is not the purpose of interval fasting, it is recommended in such cases to follow the feeling and instead shorten the intervals accordingly. As a rule, you will no longer feel hungry after just a few days, as the body quickly gets used to the new rhythm. Then you can slowly extend the intervals again.

In addition to the right diet, exercise is also an elementary part of interval fasting. Sport or exercise are always part of this if you want to burn fat effectively and permanently reduce your weight. Optimally suitable for this purpose is additional sport in the morning, since this on an empty stomach the fat burning enormously stimulates and can provide in this way for a still larger weight loss.

Your Intermittent Fasting Guide

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