Читать книгу HOW TO BUILD A LOVING RELATIONSHIP. - Hugo Richard Vogel - Страница 6

4. The first principle of the science of partner finding.


The idea of a loving person is the only power that can create a loving person who suits you. In the beginning there is always the idea. The idea of form creates form in nature. The idea of movement creates movement in nature. Every form, every process that you see in nature is the visible expression of an idea that preceded the process.

The thought of a form leads to the development of the form. The thought of a movement leads to this movement taking place. The thought of a process causes this process to take place. The thought of a chemical reaction ensures that this chemical reaction takes place. That's the way all things were made. We live in a world that has arisen from certain ideas.

That is the law of nature itself.

The thought of a moving universe led to the formation of this moving universe. The thought of a law of gravity has made this law of gravity valid in nature. Maintaining the idea of a sun and planets moving around it caused the formation of these forms and movements.

The idea of a slowly growing tree leads to the tree growing up to its full size. It can take centuries for a sequoia to reach its full size. The continuing idea of a growing sequoia leads to the growth of the tree. In this process, the laws of nature that already existed before are observed. The idea of a sequoia does not lead to this tree suddenly appearing out of nowhere, but it grows slowly out of a seed according to the previously defined laws of growth and moves upwards from the earth.

Every lasting idea of something specific lets this something emerge, but not suddenly but on the way of the natural growth rate.

Man can make up his own mind. He can immediately forget these ideas or remember them for a long time. Everything a person makes must have been imagined first. He can't make anything he hasn't imagined before.

The idea of a person of a house in a certain construction method does not cause the immediate construction of the house. We would be in a lot of trouble if all our ideas would come true immediately. Also the idea of a suitable life partner does not lead to the fact that this is simply there in the next moment.

However, the continuing idea of a house in a certain construction method leads to creativity and initiative in the construction industry, so that the house finally takes shape. After all, it is actually built according to the client's ideas.

No idea of a form can be kept upright for a long time without causing this form to develop.

Likewise, the continuing idea of a life partner with certain characteristics leads to the creation of a life partner who corresponds to a certain idea through social currents, fashion, values or training and further education.

Most people limit their efforts solely to the work of their hands. They do manual work in the world of moulds. You try to change the existing forms. They do not think of initiating the creation of what they wish themselves by a continuous imagination in their thoughts in industry and trade.

This is exactly how many people treat their fellow human beings. They try to change people in their environment through criticism and to press them into the image they have of an ideal partner. They do not think of initiating the development of a partner as they wish. Through a lasting idea of an ideal partner.

When a person has a certain idea, he takes material from nature and in his mind gets an idea of what he wants to make of it. Little thought has been given to the extent to which a person's success depends on their imagination. It was not examined which connection exists between the conviction that it is easily possible to find a suitable life partner and the circumstances of life of the person.

I suggest to check if we can actually improve our living conditions by a consciously in our imagination held picture in the presented direction.

I suggest checking if someone is alone, if a life partner comes into his life by imagining life with him.

I will summarize.

There is the law of nature of cause and effect.

Thereafter, the same causes have the same effects.

An idea of a form gives rise to this form.

An idea of a movement causes this movement.

An idea of a process causes this process.

The idea of change leads to this change.

A person's imagination can consciously capture forms, movements, processes and changes and thus continuously increase the probability that they will actually occur.

At this point I must of course put up with the question of whether I can prove that too. Without going into detail, I reply; Yes, I can prove this both according to the principles of logic and from my own experience.

Given that there is an intangible idea of something in us, and that there is a tangible reality outside of us, I come to the conclusion that a

connection exists in the manner described. In short: Like inside so outside.

And in my own experience I find this conclusion confirmed, and that is the real proof.

When a person finds the ideal partner to read this book by doing what it tells them to do. Then that's an indication that my claim is correct.

But if everyone who reads this book and follows the recommendations gets a life partner, then the theory is proven. The theory is valid until someone does exactly what is written in this book and then does not find a life partner.

But this cannot happen, because every person who does exactly what this book suggests will find a partner.

I said that people find a life partner by doing things in a certain way. To do this, they must first become able to think in a'certain way.

Because a person's way of doing things is the direct result of the way they think about those things.

To do things in the way you want to do them, you must learn the ability to think the way you want to think. To do this is the first step on the way to the partnership you want.

To think what you want to think is to your advantage and at the same time to the advantage of others, regardless of what it seems to be.

Every person has the natural gift to think what he wants to think. Unfortunately, many people make little use of this gift. It takes far more effort to do this than to follow the thoughts suggested by the environment. Just thinking like that is much easier. To think simultaneously to your advantage and the advantage of others without regard for how it seems to be is very strenuous. It requires more energy than any other work people are asked to do.

There is no work that most people shy away from as they do from sustained and sequential thinking. This is the hardest job in the world. It is particularly difficult when what we want is contrary to what we perceive. When we perceive something we tend to form a suitable picture in our imagination. This idea is then often maintained unconsciously for a long time. With the known effects. This can only be prevented if we realise that there is actually no lack of opportunities to find a partner.

Looking at your perception and realizing that you are sitting alone in your room produces the image of living alone in your mind. Until you see the truth and it's. You're not alone. There are billions of people in the world and also a person who yearns to have you with him because he feels the same way as you do.

Thinking of a happy relationship when you are alone and sad requires strength. But those who practice that become better at it every day. He becomes the master of thought. He can cause the partner he wishes to come to him.

The power to think in a certain way is easiest to learn when you realize that basically every thought has the quality to become true. Also the thought that one is getting better and better from day to day in every respect (4), because one succeeds more and more in thinking and acting in the certain way.

If we implement this we lose all doubts and fears. We know that we are not at the mercy of circumstances, but have the possibility to influence circumstances in a direction that benefits us and others by thinking and acting in a certain way.

Because it is so important, I will summarize the most important results so far.

There is the law of nature of cause and effect.

Thereafter, the same causes have the same effects.

An idea of a form gives rise to this form.

An idea of a movement causes this movement.

An idea of a process causes this process.

The idea of change leads to this change.

A person can consciously capture forms, movements, processes and changes in his imagination and thus continuously increase the probability that they will actually occur.

If you want to succeed with this method, you must not let anything and nobody confuse you. It is necessary to focus on what benefits you and others. If you have found the ideal partner it is not only useful for you but also for the person who has come into your life.

Don't ask why these mnemonic phrases are true.

Don't speculate about why they might be true.

Take these mnemonic sentences in trusting hands.

The science of finding a partner begins when you memorize these mnemonic sentences and act accordingly.

Nobody can think for you to your advantage and for the advantage of other people, only you.

Keep what you have in mind to yourself. Keep it as your secret. When you tell others what you imagine, they often make fun of it. They bring all sorts of doubts into your thinking why what you have in mind is completely impossible. These doubts are then transferred to you with the corresponding consequences. When you have achieved what you want and others ask you for your secret, you can tell them the secret (5).


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