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Theme of the Drama: Justice, and the Small Change of History


Sexual favours for sale, feisty street brawls outside taverns, women stalked, wives beaten, potato diggers and bricklayers suing flinty employers for unpaid wages: if this is 1890s Bracebridge theatre brought to the courtroom stage, what else can be happening in this hub of Muskoka’s celebrated tourist district?

Along the town’s main street, a butcher has maggot-infested meat in his cellar. Down by the river, a local slaughterhouse owner, undeterred by earlier fines, dumps offal into the waters. All the while, a quack Scottish “doctor” authoritatively prescribes ineffectual medicines, the town’s Chinese laundryman surreptitiously contaminates the street by discharging used chemical fluids at night, and Yankee bushlot distillers apprehensively hide their backwoods operations from prowling revenue inspectors. Farm boys ride horses furiously through the muddy principal thoroughfare. Stray cows graze on homeowners’ flower gardens and vegetable patches. Wily men trap muskrat above the legal limit, and desperate men feed their hungry families with deer killed out of season.

Men and women wrestled with themselves, primitive conditions, discordant possibilities, and their neighbours. Their unfolding dramas were held in check and covered over, whenever possible, by a thin veneer of civilization. And where that civilization’s vaunted “rule of law” intersected with these actors was in Magistrate’s Court.

For this book’s presentation of those cases, I’ve chosen a theatrical motif because trials are morality plays, a form of theatre. Besides resolving disputes and meting out punishment to specific offenders, courts present drama for the wider community, dispatching general messages about right conduct. As further inspiration for the motif, James Boyer’s own formative years in Stratford and his lifelong devotion to the works of William Shakespeare likewise invite theatrical awareness for the story of justice in his 1890s Magistrate’s Court. Like a play by Shakespeare, the numerous scenes comprising Raw Life display in full range the human condition: pathetic, comedic, heroic, ironic, and tragic.

Part I serves as a prelude to the cases: its chapters set the context, sketching the character of the times, and introducing Magistrate James Boyer. Part II presents previously unpublished glimpses of Muskoka life as seen from a unique, behind-the-stage-sets vantage point: the magistrate’s bench. Part III views through the lens of time — looking from the twenty-first century back to the late nineteenth — how these “morality plays” reveal both continuity and change in society’s standards and Canadian justice.

Life’s crazy jumble was presented in Magistrate’s Court according to its own sequence and harmonies of organization, and that is how it was recorded by James Boyer. Instead of reproducing ten years’ worth of cases as they occurred day after day, however, I’ve grouped them into twenty-six thematic “acts” for a more comprehensive sense of the way justice was dispensed. But categories impose artificial barriers between the elements of life as it actually occurs, and the trade-off for orderly comparison of similar events can limit understanding at a higher level. I fear my quest for a suitable category in which to place an episode parallels a constable’s 1890s challenge in deciding which of several possible charges to lay in a complex situation. For instance, in one case a settler brought his neighbour before the magistrate on a charge of unlawfully killing ducks on Sunday, and collected half the fine. Is that best placed with the cases of (a) illegal hunting of game, (b) breaching observance of The Lord’s Day Act, (c) those ongoing feuds between neighbours that intermittently escalate to laying charges, or (d) how the justice system awarded private citizens a portion of the fine for bringing a lawbreaker to court? Because that real 1897 event incorporated all four, placing the case in the “Ill-Gotten Game” chapter rather than in the “Saving the Sabbath” chapter was, like the labelling in several other cases, as artfully arbitrary as a director deciding where on stage certain performers should stand.

Some further choices had to be made, too, when translating five hundred handwritten pages of 1890s cases into a contemporary book. Some similar cases have been dropped from the chapters on fighting, drinking, and suing for unpaid wages; after a while, one gets the point, and space is limited. Likewise, a few cases that involved only an arraignment, guilty plea, and sentencing, with no interesting evidence about what transpired, have been excluded. Yet, most cases, including many similarly sparse on detail, have been reproduced because they portray life in its rawer varieties and provide a cumulative impression of life behind the picturesque postcard images of Muskoka.

You will not encounter Muskoka’s leading lights or major characters here. If not for a brief entry in James Boyer’s bench book, there would be no remembrance, in many cases, that the people who do appear in these pages ever lived. These are the walk-on players, the small folk whose limited action gives counterpoint to the leaders acting out grander roles on the town’s stage and in our country’s history. Rarely did the prominent or prosperous, the pious or polite, get dragged into “police court.” The only churches mentioned in these 1890s cases are the Salvation Army and the Free Methodists, which ministered religion to the same threadbare congregation whose members on weekdays found themselves variously reassembled in Magistrate’s Court.

Individuals hauled before the local justices of the peace were not charged for high crimes, but for low-life enjoyment of a Bracebridge brothel; not for capital murder, but for running their knife across the guy wire of a tent at an evangelical prayer meeting, or for threatening to slash his wife’s throat “from ear to ear”; not for defrauding the government of thousands of dollars, but for lifting a silk scarf or stealing a dog.

James Boyer’s bench book, in furnishing the contents for Part II, adds colour to that grey zone of society where good manners end and the rule of law must begin. His Magistrate’s Courtroom, becoming once again an illuminated stage in a long-darkened playhouse, highlights an intrinsic theme of justice: How small people at its margins are treated reveals big truths about a society.

This book is about the meaning of justice in places so out of the way they cannot be identified by local historic site markers, involving lives so minor they cannot be found in the town’s official histories. It was precisely for those hard-pressed individuals, in those twilight places, that civil rights and the possibility of justice meant everything. If the rule of law is not real at ground level, then lofty pronouncements about “justice” can only ring hollow in the ears of struggling citizens.

I believe resurrecting these cases from Canadian history and viewing its fuller picture allows us to interpret human progress better, and more sympathetically. While inadvertent omission is a passive fault, neglect is usually a purposeful one. So, while reprising these brief courtroom appearances of earlier Canadians may entertain and enthrall with the emotions they evoke, perhaps they can also educate and enlighten through their embrace of everyday experience.

Many of these Muskoka Magistrate’s Court cases never made it into the news columns of Bracebridge’s weekly newspapers. When they did, the entries were usually brief: “Chas. Grimes of the township of Watt was before Justice Boyer last Thursday and committed for trial on a charge of stealing saw logs”; “On Tuesday before Justice Boyer, Joshua Earnshaw, a young man of Watt, was charged with having criminally assaulted Eliza Emerson, a 12-year-old girl living in the same township”; “Tuesday afternoon, H.A. Piper was fined $1 and costs, in all $4.50, for using obscene and irritating language on the street towards Annie Hay.”

There is much to ruminate about and reflect upon in this engaging, human, realistic, sometimes funny, and often disturbing view of a rugged and lively small town. Bracebridge in the 1890s is a place and time that is foreign to us now, but the people we encounter may not seem so dissimilar to Canadians today, at their own edges of emotion and in their engagement with raw life.

In the end, the dramatic theme emerging from this seemingly inconsequential tableau of “small-change” cases is nothing less than the most fundamental imperative in all societies: the quality of justice.

The small change of history does add up. The morality of a nation is not confined to pious people in the pews, but is equally on display in the hallowed sanctity of its squat stone jails.

Raw Life

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