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General Provisions for the NSPS Subparts
ОглавлениеGeneral provisions pertinent to CEM systems required for sources regulated under the NSPS subparts are present in four sections of Part 60 of the Code. These sections are as follows:
§60.7 Notification and Recordkeeping
§60.8 Performance Tests
§60.11 Compliance with Standards and Maintenance Requirements
§60.13 Monitoring Requirements
Each of these sections gives important requirements regarding the opacity and gas monitoring systems mandated for source categories addressed by the subparts. These should be read in tandem with the subparts. For example, §60.7 gives requirements for Part 60 sources with installed CEM systems to submit excess emission reports and describes the information that is to be included in the report. In §60.8, requirements are given for conducting performance tests to determine whether the facility is within its compliance limits. Here, the performance tests conducted are those reference test methods of 40 CFR 60 Appendix A specified for the source category (e.g. acid plant, electric utility) (U.S. EPA 2020c).
Section 60.11 incorporates a requirement that has been central to U.S. EPA stationary source regulatory policy. This requirement [§60.11(d)] states:
At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any affected facility including associated air pollution control equipment in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Administrator which may include but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source.
This policy, formulated in the early 1970s, is reprised in the compliance assurance monitoring and credible evidence rules that resulted from congressional concerns addressed in the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (which is discussed below).
Section 60.13 incorporates important requirements for Part 60 CEM systems. This section is sometimes forgotten after a CEM program has been implemented, but nevertheless, contains essential program requirements. Among these requirements are given as follows:
Performance Specification Tests. Part 60 installed systems must show that they meet performance specifications of 40 CFR 60 Appendix B (U.S. EPA 2020d) by conducting a performance specification test (Note: “performance specification tests” are used to certify CEM systems and are not the same as the “performance tests” of §60.8 conducted to determine source compliance with emission limits).
Quality Assurance Requirements. In the absence of other quality assurance requirements, as a minimum; the system must conduct a zero and span drift check once every 24 hours, zero and span adjustments must be made if the drift exceeds twice the value of the drift performance specification of Appendix B, and the zero and span check procedures must be written.
Representativeness. All CEM systems are to be installed such that measurements representative of actual emissions are obtained.
Alternative Performance Test Requirements. An alternative to conducting reference method tests for determining relative accuracy may be requested if the pollutant emissions are less than 50% of the emissions limit (60.13(j)(1)). When applicable, this allows conducting a cylinder gas test (audit) (CGA) instead of a relative accuracy test audit (RATA).