Читать книгу Continuous Emission Monitoring - James A. Jahnke - Страница 68

Level 1


On the first level, the agency evaluates the facility's quarterly EERs, by checking the following items:

 Submittal timeliness and completeness

 Reports of periods and magnitudes of excess emissions

 Nature and cause of each period of excess emissionsTABLE 2‐5 Example Target Criteria and Agency Follow‐up Action Levels Based Upon a Review of the Excess Emission ReportAgency% of Time Compliance Response% of Monitor Out of ComplianceSuggested Downtime Follow‐upActionAcceptable<2.0%<2.0%If both cases exist, acknowledge receipt of EERRequest for corrective action>2.0% and <5.0%>2.0% and < 5.0%If either or both cases exist, then send a letter requesting corrective action within 30 daysWarning letter>5.0% and <10.0%>5.0% and < 10.0%If either or both cases exist, then warn by letter of unacceptable condition, request explanations of condition, and request corrective action plan to prevent condition from reoccurringNotice of violation>168 hrs >10%If either or both cases exist, then issue NOV and require performance (compliance) test for monitored pollutant, monitor certification (PS) tests and request corrective action plan to prevent condition from reoccurring

 Periods during which the continuous monitoring system was inoperative

 Records of calibration checks, adjustments, and maintenance performed on the monitoring system

Problem areas in source operation and/or control equipment operation should present themselves on thorough evaluation of these items. When the documentation is unclear or incomplete, the facility should be contacted for clarification of the problem areas, perhaps avoiding more extensive agency action.

Continuous Emission Monitoring

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