Читать книгу Patagonia - James Button - Страница 3



1st English Edition, 2012 2nd English Edition, 2019 Editorial Patagonia Media SpA Author: James Button

Translation: Natascha Scott-Stokes

Proofreading for the English Edition: Benoit LeBlanc

Diagrams: Patricio Velasco G. and Carlos Reyes U.

© 2011 James Button

© 2011 Editorial Patagonia Media


ISBN press edition: 978-956-8793-09-8

ISBN digital edition: 978-956-8793-13-5

Chilean Registry of Intellectual Property N° 213.681

Front cover: map by the French cartographer A. Jenotte made in 1841, and published in ‘A History of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands’ by Frederic Lacroix. The map was amended by A. Montt for Editorial Patagonia Media in 2007, in accordance with the geographical boundaries for Patagonia indicated in Lacroix’s book, published in 1841. The boats are taken from the Dutch cartographer Joan Blaeu’s ‘Major Atlas’, published in 1665.

Map: © Copyright N° 206.586 DIBAM. Editorial Patagonia Media.

Interior images: author’s file

Cover design: Editorial Patagonia Media

Printed in Equipo Gráfico Impresores

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No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publishers and intellectual property rights holders, said rights protected by law

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