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Geographical Delineation

Chapter I

Introduction to the extent of Patagonia

Defining the borders of the Patagonian region

Archaeological delimits of Patagonia

Ethnic delimits of Patagonia

General borders of Patagonia

Chapter II

Life in Patagonia

Patagonian flora and fauna



Chapter III

Origins of human occupation in Patagonia

Earliest human traces

Monte Verde

Analysis of the discovery of the oldest archaeological remains in Patagonia

Conclusion regarding Monte Verde and Patagonia

Chapter IV

Indigenous population of Patagonia

Food sources of the Patagons

The different Patagonian tribes

Patagonian tribes on the Atlantic side of the Andes

Patagonian tribes on the Pacific side of the Andes

General classification of the Patagonian tribes

Tribal beliefs and myths

Patagonian tribes

The Aonikenk or Southern Tehuelche

The Günun-a-küna or Northern Tehuelche

Onas or Selk’nam of the Tehuelche People

The Huilliches

The Cuneos

The Chonos

The Alacaluf or Kaweskars

The Yaghans or Yámanas

The Pehuenches

The Puelches

The Poyas

The Tehuelches

Food sources, clothing, hunting tools, and weapons


Hunting for meat






Mythology regarding boleadoras

Boleadoras Perdidas

Boleadoras with two or three weights

Chapter V

Patagon Survival and Organization


Organization and settlements

Chapter VI

Discovery of the Americas

Maritime Explorations

First voyage: discovery of the sea route to India

Discovery of Patagonia

Chapter VII

Analysis of the discovery of Patagonia: 14th - 15th Century

Christopher Columbus

Religious reforms in Europe

Amerigo Vespucci

Toscanelli: a connection with the future

Mundus Novus

A name for the New Continent: America

Ferdinand Magellan

Chapter VIII

The Magellan Expedition and the return to Spain

Léon Pancaldo

Antonio Pigafetta

Chapter IX

The House of Trade


Discovery of Patagonian Lands

The Explorers and the Patagons

Terra Australis Incognita

Corsairs in the southern ocean

Circumnavigation of the world

Drake – from England to the Pacific Ocean

War between England and Spain

The English privateer Sir Thomas Cavendish in Patagonia

Chapter X

Mapping the world

Western Patagonia

Chapter XI

America and Patagonia

The Conquest of America

Political entities in the American Colonies

The work of the religious missions

Chapter XII

Developments in the wake of the exploration and conquest of America and Patagonia

Navigare necesse est (to sail is necessary)

Heading south

New trading routes

Chapter XIII

Origin of the name Patagonia

Patagon vocabulary

A brief comparative overview of the three Fuegan languages

Chapter XIV

El Dorado: magnet for explorers in the 16th Century

The Spanish Crown in Patagonia

Atmosphere in Magellan’s Patagonia

The City of the Caesars

Foundation of Fort Sancti Spiritus

Incursions by explorers in Patagonia

The first explorations via land routes

First attempts at sovereignty in the Straits of Magellan

Juan Ladrillero

Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa

The Alcazaba Expedition to Patagonia

Juan Fernández

Dutch expeditions to Patagonia

The Dutch mariner Isaac Le Maire

The Nodales brothers continue Le Maire’s work

English expeditions to Patagonia

The navigator John Narborough

James Cook

Scientific expeditions to Patagonia


Chapter XV

Southern Patagonia becomes the established route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

Chapter XVI

Missionary work in Patagonia during the 17th - 18th Century

The Jesuits

The Jesuit Alonso de Ovalle

Father Luis de Valdivia

Nicolás Mascardi

Foundations for evangelization in South America

The King of Araucania and Patagonia

Thomas Falkner

The Salesian missionary plan

The Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia

A romantic explorer of Patagonia

Discovery of the Beagle Channel

Further attempts at colonization

Trafalgar and controlling the seas

Alliances after independence

Trafalgar and Waterloo – the fall of Napoleón

Colonization projects in Patagonia

The Popham-Miranda Project

The Peninsular War (1808-1814)

The path to independence in South America

Liberation army of Perú

The Republic of Chile

The republics of the southern cone

The collapse of Spanish rule

Lord Cochrane

Operations by the Chilean Navy under Lord Cochrane

First blockade of Callao

The Capture of Valdivia

Assaults following the Capture of Valdivia

Independence of Perú

Sovereignty in southern Chile

Chapter XVII

Other explorers of mainland Patagonia in the 19th Century

Guillermo Cox

Emil Hans Steffen

The University of Princeton in Patagonia

Francisco Pascasio Moreno

Chapter XVIII

European developments and the impulse for emigration to Patagonia

Welsh immigrants in Patagonia

The North American presence in Argentine Patagonia

The colonization of Chilean Patagonia

The pioneer of German colonization Bernardo Eunom Philippi

German settlement in Patagonia

Travel via the southern oceans

The German legacy in Chile

Chapter XIX

Commercial exploitation of Patagonia

Business in southern Patagonia

The coal industry

The commercial vision of José Menéndez

Merchant marine commerce in Patagonia

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in Patagonia

Croatian immigration to Patagonia


James Button


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