Читать книгу Triumphs and Wonders of the 19th Century: The True Mirror of a Phenomenal Era - James P. Boyd - Страница 4



Table of Contents


Wonders of Electricity.


Chief of Bureau of Steam Engineering, Navy Department, Washington, D.C. The Century’s Naval Progress. SELDEN J. COFFIN, A.M., Professor of Astronomy, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Astronomy during the Century. THOMAS MEEHAN, Vice-President Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Story of Plant and Flower. MARY ELIZABETH LEASE, First Woman President of Kansas State Board of Charities. Progress of Women within the Century. ROBERT P. HAINS, Principal Examiner of Textiles, United States Patent Office, Washington, D.C. The Century’s Textile Progress. GEORGE EDWARD REED, S.T.D., LL.D., President of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. The Century’s Religious Progress. JAMES P. BOYD, A.M., L.B., Great Growth of Libraries. WILLIAM MARTIN AIKEN, F.A.I.A., Former United States Supervising Architect, Treasury Department, Washington, D.C. Progress of the Century in Architecture. HARVEY W. WILEY, M.D., PH. D., LL.D., Chief Chemist of Division of Chemistry, Agricultural Department, Washington, D.C. The Century’s Progress in Chemistry. RITER FITZGERALD, A.M., Dramatic Critic “City Item,” Philadelphia. The Century’s Music and Drama. JAMES P. BOYD, A.M., L.B., The Century’s Literature. MORRIS JASTROW, JR., PH. D., Professor of Semitic Languages, University of Pennsylvania. The Records of the Past. MAJOR HENRY E. ALVORD, C.E., LL.D., Chief of Dairy Division, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Progress in Dairy Farming. SARA Y. STEVENSON, Sc. D., Secretary of Department of Archæology and Paleontology, University of Pennsylvania. The Century’s Moral Progress. CHARLES McINTIRE, A.M., M.D., Lecturer on Sanitary Science, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Progress of Sanitary Science. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ARTHUR L. WAGNER, Assistant Adjutant General United States Army. The Century’s Armies and Arms. WALDO F. BROWN, Agricultural Editor “Cincinnati Gazette.” The Century’s Progress in Agriculture. WALTER LORING WEBB, C.E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. Progress in Civil Engineering. D.E. SALMON, M.D., Chief of Bureau of Animal Industry, Agricultural Department, Washington, D.C. The Century’s Progress in the Animal World. MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH WHEELER, United States Army, and Member of Congress from Eighth Alabama District. Leading Wars of the Century. GEORGE J. HAGAR, Editor of Appendix to Encyclopædia Britannica. The Century’s Fairs and Expositions. HON. BRADFORD RHODES, Editor of “Banker’s Magazine.” The Century’s Progress in Coinage, Currency, and Banking. H.E. VAN DEMAN, Late Professor of Botany and Practical Horticulture, Kansas State Agricultural College. The Century’s Progress in Fruit Culture. EMORY R. JOHNSON, A.M., Assistant Professor of Transportation and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania. The Century’s Commercial Progress. FRANKLIN S. EDMONDS, A.M., Assistant Professor of Political Science, Central High School, Philadelphia. The Century’s Advances in Education. THOMAS J. LINDSEY, Editorial Staff Philadelphia “Evening Bulletin.” “The Art Preservative.” GEORGE A. PACKARD, Metallurgist and Mining Engineer. Progress in Mines and Mining. JOHN V. SEARS, Art Critic Philadelphia “Evening Telegraph.” Art Progress of the Century. J. MADISON TAYLOR, M.D., and JOHN H. GIBBON, M.D., Surgeons Out-Patients Departments of Pennsylvania and Children’s Hospitals. The Century’s Advance in Surgery. FRANK C. HAMMOND, M.D., Instructor in Gynæcology, Jefferson Medical College. Progress of Medicine. E.E. RUSSELL TRATMAN, C.E., Assistant Editor of “Engineering News,” Chicago, Ill. Evolution of the Railroad. LUTHER E. HEWITT, L.B., Librarian of Philadelphia Law Association. Advance in Law and Justice. MICHAEL J. BROWN, Secretary of Building Association League of Pennsylvania. Progress of Building and Loan Associations. REV. A. LEFFINGWELL, Rector Trinity Church, Toledo, O. Epoch Makers of the Century.

Triumphs and Wonders of the 19th Century: The True Mirror of a Phenomenal Era

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