Читать книгу Media Effects - James Shanahan - Страница 21
Оглавление1 US violent crime rates were 363.5 per 100,000 in 1970; in 2000 they were 506. The additional 142.5 crimes per 100,000 amounts to about a 0.14 percentage point difference in the chances of victimization. More recent numbers are almost back to where they were in 1970: 382.9 in 2017. Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports. 2 https://www.pulitzer.org/winners/denver-post 3 The Project Gutenberg eBook, Frank Merriwell’s Backers, by Burt L. Standish http://www.gutenberg.org/files/39433/39433-h/39433-h.htm#CHAPTER_I 4 Katz and Katz, in the above-cited paper, mentioned some useful but not much developed ideas in this regard, particularly in regard to cultivation theory, to be discussed below.