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This book was written in between other things. All of it has been done while I have been Dean at the Media School at Indiana University. Having such a wonderful staff at the Media School means that it has been possible to find some time between the “other things” to write. I should especially mention only a few individuals, at the expense of excluding others, who have been such valuable colleagues: Betsi Grabe, a wonderful associate dean and fantastic media scholar; Scott Feickert, who runs the Media School admirably; Patsy Ek, who is a financial whiz; and Emily Harrison, who generates the money we need to run the School. My thanks also to Walt Gantz. BJ Ferrand is the best. All of our staff and many colleagues at the Media School can take some credit, though none of the responsibility, for the book.

A lot of the book was written during a stretch in Old Forge, NY, a fine and hospitable Adirondack community. The Old Forge Library, and its director Linda Weal, provided a wonderful environment for writing. Ron Rakowski was a gracious host, and his neighbor Paul McKinney also made it a friendly place to stay for writing and other “activities.” To the Farmers of Old Forge, a fond tip of the hat.

The very last parts of the book were written in Maine, at an undisclosed location. The Wappler family, too close to be called a second family, were gracious hosts in providing a place of constant welcome and return. I hope the book reflects some of the stimulating conversations that have been held at the Lodge over the last 40+ years. Thanks and love to Reinhold, Peter, Barbara, Shel (RIP), Will, Sam, Ivy, Sarah, Cary, Ella, Aurora, Hazy, Amy, Jane (RIP), Sarah Ivy, and Karen.

It’s important to mention two colleagues. Michael Morgan was a wonderful doctoral adviser, and continues to be my best collaborator. It’s better to say that I collaborate with him, since he generates so many (most really) of the important ideas that we work with. Also, I must mention Nancy Signorielli, a key figure not just in media effects but also in the advancement of women in academia. She is a terrific and generous collaborator.

To the #1 Family in Central New York and Southern Indiana – Lisa and Isabel: Heehee and Continued Best Wishes! To Mom, Jeannette, Casey, Luke, Steve, Bob, Laury, Nora, and Mason: thank you all! You’re a great family.

Media Effects

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