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The Sugar in an Apple is Not the Same as the Sugar in a Doughnut!


And the sugar in a soda is not the same as the sugar in freshly extracted apple juice! You may feel this doesn’t need to be covered. You may feel that it’s obvious that the white refined nutrient-lacking sugar found in a doughnut and soda is clearly not the same as the unrefined vitamin and mineral-rich “sugar” found in an apple or the juice extracted from it. But ever since the late Dr. Robert Atkins’s famous “don’t eat carbs whatever you do or you’ll explode” diet (I believe better known as a high-protein diet) and all the subsequent copies of pretty much exactly the same theme since then, such as “Dukan,” it appears our rational thinking has taken a vacation. My mother always taught me, “The problem with common sense is that it isn’t that common,” and I fear where the subject of sugar is concerned, it’s disappeared completely for many. Most people are so “over read” in the area of diet and nutrition that often they don’t stop to think with a commonsense head on—they simply believe what they have read and then preach it as gospel. This is why I don’t want you to simply buy what I am saying either. Always have an open mind and if something makes rational sense to you, then apply it; if not, don’t. But don’t simply go along with a school of thought simply because it was written or told to you by a doctor or dietician or because it’s been “scientifically proven.” Often we don’t need science but simply our own intuition and common sense. With this in mind let me ask you a question: If you were addicted to refined sugars and you had a mother of a sugar craving would an organic apple cut it for you? Would an apple hit those sugar buttons for you? NO! Why? Because “THE SUGAR IN AN APPLE IS NOT THE SAME AS THE SUGAR IN A DOUGHNUT!” If it were we would have Easter eggs made of fruit and children and adults would be just as happy, but they wouldn’t be happy because in the same way an apple wouldn’t satisfy a smoker’s need for nicotine an apple won’t satisfy a sugar addict’s desire for refined sugars! It’s refined sugars and refined fats that are the biggest cause of preventable disease in the Western world and without question they are the biggest cause of the seemingly unstoppable obesity epidemic. It is not the unrefined vitamin-, mineral-, and soluble fiber–rich life-giving juice found at the heart of all nature’s finest foods. This is why you could have a fridge full of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins and if the average “sugar addict” opened it they would say, “Where’s the food?” Unless there is refined sugar or refined fat in the mix, they feel as though what’s in the fridge just won’t cut it. It’s also why although there’s an NA (Narcotics Anonymous) an AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), and even an SA (Sugar Anonymous) but you will never see a FA (Fruit Anonymous)! People just aren’t “hooked” on cucumbers, avocados, or apples (they are all fruits), despite their apparent high “sugar” content. You also will not find a FEJA (Freshly Extracted Juice Anonymous) either. Why? Because, and I am fully aware of how annoying repetition can be, so for the final time: the sugar in fruit is not the same as the sugar in a doughnut. It’s also the reason why if someone were to eat apples all their life and suddenly went on a “no apple” diet they wouldn’t get headaches, anxiety, the shakes, or any of the other “withdrawal” symptoms people experience when trying to break a refined sugar addiction. One sugar is pure and comes attached with a multitude of other micronutrients and soluble fiber, and the other is completely lacking goodness and has effectively been transformed into an empty druglike substance. Plastic and gasoline are both by-products of crude oil, but nobody in their right mind would suggest you can run your car by putting cut up plastic in your tank! However, the “all sugars are the same” brigade often miss this fundamental point. They miss that something like broccoli is much, much more than the carbohydrate “sugar” contained within. They also miss the fact that humans, even the ones with letters after their names, don’t fully understand the complexities of nutrition contained within the foods nature provides. And I guess that is the biggest problem—humans think they know everything about everything and believe they have discovered “every element” worth knowing about in nature’s foods. Some of the top scientists continue to believe this despite the fact that “new” photochemicals are being found all the time in fruits and vegetables. They continue to believe that “all sugars are the same” despite knowing that every single nutrient reacts differently in the body depending on what it is combined with. For example, if you eat an orange with spinach more of the iron will be absorbed when combined with the vitamin C in the orange. So isn’t it possible, and again I’m just throwing it out there, that we simply do not know everything about the tens of thousands of different and unique nutrients found in the liquid of all fruits and vegetables nor what exact effects they have on every cell in the body? Isn’t it also possible that we have only found, and therefore only know about, a tiny fraction of tens of thousands of nutrients contained within the super fuel juice locked inside the fibers of all fruits and vegetables? Just because the “science” of today says something is “fact,” it doesn’t necessarily make it so. Just because the current science can pinpoint only the small number of vitamins and minerals we have found and named, it doesn’t mean there aren’t thousands of others we have yet to study. This is why the “juices” extracted from fresh fruits and vegetables are way beyond simple “sugar water.”

Funny enough, as I update this book yet another “new” high-protein diet has hit the top of the charts and is once again spreading the gospel that sugar is sugar no matter what its source and it appears people are listening. This time the author of Six Weeks to OMG: Get Skinnier Than All Your Friends Paul Khanna (although he used the pseudonym Venice A. Fulton) is saying that the carbohydrates in broccoli can be as bad for people losing weight as Coca-Cola. Nope I am not kidding—I wish I were!

We need to remember that all fruits and vegetables are at least 85% nutrient-rich water and it’s this juice and this nutrient-fueled juice alone that feeds every cell in the body. It is this organic rich “water” that contains not only the “sugar,” or natural carbohydrates as I prefer to call them, but also the potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, sodium, vitamins A, B, C, E, K, and the tens of thousands of other nutrients and cofactors that all go to make up this remarkable liquid fuel. To suggest drinking a “juice” is simply the same as drinking a “soda”—which has an average of 8 teaspoons of white refined sugar in just one can, along with a whole host of other chemicals—is about as far removed from common sense as you can get.

The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection

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