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3 Paths to Visualization


It is my honor to introduce a visualization for actualizing more power, health, wealth and happiness into your consciousness and life. Live the spirit of this until what the visualization brings becomes yours. The things of the world are fluid, not fixed, and ruled by a creative power within man. You need not venture out to acquire this power. You already have it within. You need to understand it; if you want to use it and to control it. Taste it, feel it, so that you can go forward and carry the world before you.

Day by day as you gain momentum, as your inspiration deepens, as your plans crystallize, as you gain understanding, you will come to realize that this world isn’t a dead pile of stones. It is a live tapestry that is woven from the beating hearts of living things. It is a thing of life and beauty. It is evident that it requires understanding to work with this, but those who come into this understanding, are inspired by a new light, a new force, they gain confidence and greater power each day they realize their hopes and their dreams come true, life has a deeper, fuller, clearer meaning than before.

You might have watched the video, “The Secret”. It expands on the power of pure, positive visualization first introduced in modern form by Napeoleon Hill is his “Think and Grow Rich” which introduces the wealth materialization concept . A recent book “The Answer” has a similar theme. While these ideas are not new in the world, they are new in terms of actualizing personal business power. Many believe they are telling the truth when they teach all one has to do is intend and affirm a thing clearly and one receives it. The truth is beyond this, for most of us. Here is your business motto that does work .. “in order to acquire great wealth you must supply or support one who supplies goods or services to the masses that makes life more pleasant for them”.

The secret to being successful is to “know” you will be successful. Mentally I have sought to make more than a million a year for quite some time, but it is not until recently that I “know” I will do it. Your goals are just as simple. Once you set a goal, you must have no doubt that you will achieve it. You achieve all goals in your head before they become material in the world.

For most of us this not only sounds “odd”, but it sounds “impossible”. How can a person achieve a goal in his head before he actually does it? The idea is simple. The seeker must be convinced; he is in fact ‘programmed’ for this result. The seeker must know that the goals are eminent. This means that the expectation is assured and self-assurance on the subject must be absolute.

Visualize Your Way to Wealth

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