Читать книгу Visualize Your Way to Wealth - Jaxx Faure - Страница 4

Developing Your Business Sense


We are blessed with five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Aside from them, we are blessed with emotion and a mind. These blessings should be used to build a good wealthy life. Just like audio/video equipment, our eyes and ears can be used to receive data for our mind to spot opportunities or to select a business.

To make this possible, you must focus your mind on thoughts aligned to achieve your goal. Using sight and sound as receptors, with your mind as a processor in money-making mode, you can create and simulate a product, service, or business that will benefit not only yourself but many people as well.

Take the case of famous inventors like Alexander Graham Bell (the telephone), the Wright Brothers (the airplane), and many others who became sensible to new possibilities and discoveries. You must learn to think outside the box and to be persistent in whatever endeavor you have ventured into, no matter how discouraging the results may seem at first. When I was venturing into internet marketing in 2002, I was relating to my friends how the internet had produced a great second income for me, and how it has the potential for them too. But almost nobody seemed to listen nor were they receptive even though some were frantically looking for second income ideas.

The few who listened were interested at first, but they did not continue when they did not succeed the first time. How discouraging to see people giving up easily. Success does not come overnight. Success comes to those who persevere and remain undaunted after encountering setbacks. If you truly want to be rich, stay focused on your target despite any obstacle that comes in your way. Sooner or later, you will realize your dream of financial freedom. For most, financial freedom comes from digging deeper into whatever you ventured, rather than abandoning it in favor of new sites.

This is also true in changing your money story. Persistent daily repetition of your positive visualization is the key to reaching your subconscious, to getting it to work for you instead of against you. Most give up too early and do not make it a part of their daily routine; they do not make it a habit. My advice is to concentrate on the immediate benefits of feeling better, healthier and better able to claim your world each day, rather than the longer term benefit of achieving your dreams. Let your motivation be the daily benefits you receive by doing visualizations! And you will find that you’ve reached your dreams sooner, almost before you’ve realized it was happening.

Visualize Your Way to Wealth

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