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5 Aspects of Managing Your Mind


How does a person achieve mental strength? How do you depart from “normal” thinking and step outside of your life? This is really the million dollar question. There are a gazillion number of tools to help you build mental strength: · wealth-building tapes · money-making seminars · positive-thinking seminars and mentoring to name a few.

The most important tool of all is past experience. I know you are grimacing. Past experience can be a cruel tool to measure the future, but it can also be a constructive one. How? It is simple. Your past experience is a structure that you have built to interpret your present. If you put a positive spin on your past experience, then you can propel yourself to a positive future. If you put a negative spin on past experience, then you can only see negative in the future. So you must see the positive situation in today’s experience. Past experience tells us what our ‘story’ is. Simply put, rather than trying to change an entire past experience that was negative, you can put a positive spin on the experience.. much easier! much less time consuming and it works. We all build on our past experiences. If we see them as negative, then we have a negative structure and our outcomes will be negative. The reverse is true, if our structure is positive; so find the ‘silver’ lining!

Let’s review a couple of “the Secret’s” affimations: · “I will receive unexpected checks in the mail.” · “Everything I touch turns to gold.” Can you say this to yourself? I almost can. I have tried 6 business opportunities in 25 years. Four offline businesss and 2 online businesses, all were profitable except 1. But my attitude has shifted drastically during the last the 10 years; I have learned so much about managing my mind. The first year for all of the businesses was horrible. However, as time progressed and I learned more; I capitalized on my mistakes, dug deeper, focused more and turned disaster, after disaster into opportunity leading to money. You can do this too!

The best advice I have for you is “lose the negative story”; leave room to create another, more positive one as events unfold! Stay in the present.. don’t rerun an old, negative story and miss your opportunities! These stories use your resources both mentally, emotionally and physically and you cannot afford them. Toss out the negative meaning you put to events that have happened to you. Put a positive spin, or story on events, find the silver lining in the cloud; be daring in your business and in your life!

This doesn’t mean, be unrealistic. Let’s acknowledge the events that turn out negative for you are real. It’s the negative interpretations, the judgments, the punishments, the ‘if only I had thought or done’s” that grind away - beyond learning the lesson - that are bad. These are the criticisms of yourself to yourself (after all noone does this to you, like you..right?) that are way beyond the lesson in the experience . They result in you feeling helpless, listless and depressed with no energy and momentum. This is what you add to the event and it is what you can change.

If you have a past negative story, you will shape events to fit the story by attraction of circumstances and your reactions to events, both consciously andsubconsciously. You have choices.. visualize a positive twist to the story that will help propel you toward more positive events and circumstances. Another is to stay tuned to the immediate present, with no story, catching, shaping and intrepreting events to your liking as they happen. Or do both.

You cannot attract positive circumstances and respond positively to a situation, if you are playing a negative role in a negative story. Your negative story blinds you to positive events that you can capitalize and build on. You will only see the negative and attract it - this is true both consciously and subconsiously! The saying goes ‘in the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king’. You must strive to be the one-eyed man who can see! Do not be blinded by your story.

If you can find a positive spin on events; while learning from them, it will give you the courage to keep focused, to dig deeper, and be tuned in to the real value in what you are doing.

Visualize Your Way to Wealth

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