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For most, visualization and what it is - is foreign. The closest most people come to this is religious faith. Faith is not very well understood. Some say that faith is the evidence of things “unseen”. For many people this means nothing. Others say that things taken on faith exist, but need our “belief” to bring them into fruition. I will depart from a religious comparison as many might find this offensive, but caution that I did not say that these two concepts are the same. I said that “faith” has some familarity to many of us and can be related to positive visualization.

For the rest of us, positive visualization is similar to wishing. Many of us consider wishing useless. I certainly do. To wish for something simply means you “ask” for it. Some with a religious background, might ask God for it (not wishing, but prayer). Others may simply ask for something without a point of focus. New age people might ask the universe for it.

The end result is that most “wishing” is half-hearted asking. To wish means you give what you are wishing for, minimal focus and expect maximal return. People wish for everything. People often wish by purchasing. They purchase items that offer maximum returns for minimal efforts. It is obvious that life doesn’t work that way. Some wishing items commonly are:

1. Weight loss devices, 2. Beauty items, 3. Sex improvement devices, 4. Health improvement/Healing items.

Wishing items are all around us. They promise us maximum benefit for little cost or no time investment. Positive visualization is NOT wishing.

Money most often comes through work and having a strong work ethic. Maximizing your effort requires maximization of all resources especially your mind. Visualization is the key to managing your mind. What if this tool is the key to finding the key “multi-million dollar idea”? What value would you assign to this technique then? Would it be worth 10k or 20k? Would it be worth an infinite amount of money? What do you think?

Visualization is the process of communicating to your mind on a regular, continual basis an image or images of what you desire in this case, wealth. The images are not fantasy, and are not wishes. They are pictures in your mind of what is a real representation of wealth (to you). They are rendered in greater, and greater detail as you allow time to elaborate on them daily. They are used to trigger your creativity about wealth in a relaxed state that accesses the subconscious. They are a way to get your subconscious to work for you.

Visualize Your Way to Wealth

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