Читать книгу Data Control - Jean-Louis Monino - Страница 17 From data to information: monitoring


Business intelligence concerns data collection, whereas business intelligence is a request from the company's management to know its environment. Of course, economic intelligence must mobilize human and financial means, but it also calls upon working methods, computerized or not, tools for collecting and especially analyzing these data. The data once collected, verified, processed and validated becomes strategic information of the company. The company manager must be able to find the necessary support when the decision is taken. This procedure makes it possible to consider:

– a set of possibilities;

– execution constraints;

– simulations to calculate indicators of success and failure.

In her research in 2008, Lesca addresses the problem of interpreting data to transform it into strategic information or knowledge. Interpretation systems, the heart of the “business intelligence” process, are defined as the set of “systems for attributing meaning” to the information that the company receives, manipulates and preserves (Baumard and Benvenuti 1998).

Data Control

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