Читать книгу Data Control - Jean-Louis Monino - Страница 22 From knowledge to decision-making: strategic business intelligence


Economic foresight concerns the collection of information, while competitive intelligence is a request from the company's management to know, and control as far as possible, the dynamics of its environment. Of course, economic intelligence must not only mobilize means, both human and financial, but it also requires working methods and tools, computerized or not, for the collection and especially the analysis of this information. Information thus becomes one of the strategic raw materials of the company and the person in charge of a company must be able to find the necessary help within his staff or externally when taking strategic decisions.

The wave of computerization that has swept over our societies is now reaching a form of maturity, which means that entry into the knowledge society represents a plunge into an ocean of information. The development of related technologies, with the advent of the Internet and networks, has increased the volumes available.

The stakes in the era of the “data revolution” are focused on the integration and enhancement of data. This phenomenon is part of a new approach to the “economy of the immaterial”. It mobilizes knowledge and information, and highlights the importance of “Data”. “Big Data”, “Open Data”, [...] “Data” is everywhere - we produce it every day - and is carried by smartphones, tablets, [...] and is accessible by anything and everyone. Its mass arrival is upsetting traditional management practices.

Figure 1.3. From data to decision-making strategic intelligence (source: Monino and Lucato 2005, Conference Fondation Maison du Maroc Paris October 2019 “Economic intelligence and data control in the digital world”). For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/monino/control.zip

Data Control

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