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“ . . . I’ve never lied to you . . . I never have lied to you.”

—Jim Jones

When someone tells you they’ve never lied to you, they’re usually lying. We now know that Jim Jones consistently lied. Lies were utilized to maintain control. Those who build communities based on truth don’t have to lie. I’ve often wondered what Jonestown would have been like if it wasn’t based on lies. Imagine a loving people working as one. Perhaps, on some days this is the way it was. According to those who survived, on most days it wasn’t. Regardless, truth must hold any community together. Lies destroy such things. God is truth. God is future. A departure from the truth is a departure from future. The absence of truth caused the deaths at Jonestown. Despite the lies, God was there when the bodies started to collapse. Truth never leaves.


Jim Jones: I know that’s what’s gonna happen, that’s what he intends to do and he will do it. He’ll do it. What’s there being so bewildered with many, many pressures on my brain, seeing all these people behave so treasonous, it is just too much for me to put together, but, I now know what he was telling me and it’ll happen. If the plane gets in the air even. So my opinion is that we . . .

The Slaughter of God

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