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“ . . . be kind to children and be kind to seniors and take the potion . . . and step over quietly because we are not committing suicide. It’s a revolutionary act.”

-Jim Jones

When Jim Jones set the mechanism of mass suicide into motion, most didn’t need to be convinced. They’d already given their lives. Some did. Jones manipulated all with talk of revolutionary suicide. What does the phrase mean? Did Jesus commit revolutionary suicide? Didn’t he know what was coming? Jesus never offered resistance. Eventually, the result is exactly what Jesus chose . . . death. Anyone who makes a willing decision to die with full knowledge of what they’re doing . . . commits suicide. Out of deep love, Jesus committed revolutionary suicide. The difference between Jonestown and Jesus is the agency of the participants. Hundreds of children could not have consented to suicide. There were so many others incapable of consent. Death without consent is murder. Many were forced. Revolutionary suicide is chosen not coerced. Jesus calls us to revolution . . . not extermination.


The Slaughter of God

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