Читать книгу The Slaughter of God - Jeff Hood - Страница 21



“I can’t control these people. They’re out there.”

—Jim Jones

Through a consistent use of fear, Jim Jones pushed the people closer and closer to death. There’s never any understanding of who “these people” are. If people can convince you to be afraid of “these people,” they will control your life. “These people” are everywhere “out there.” Those who feel like they’re under imminent dangerous threat will do whatever it takes to avoid that threat. Jones knew this. Ultimately, the community died because of “these people” and “out there.” Christine Miller knew better. As Jones spoke, she kept pushing for more truth. There are no lies in Christ Jesus. In the struggle for light, Miller shows us what to do when anyone tries to control us with statements like “these people” or “out there,” keep demanding the truth.


Jim Jones: They’ve gone with the guns and it’s too late. And once we kill anybody, at least . . . that’s the way I’ve always . . .

The Slaughter of God

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