Читать книгу The Seeds of Love - Jerry Braza Ph.D. - Страница 7



“Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow, grow.’” —The Talmud

If ancient wisdom tells us that even a blade of grass needs encouragement, how much more do the people in our lives need us to whisper words of inspiration into their lives? Imagine the face of a child hearing, “You are so precious. You can do it. I’m so glad you were born.” Picture the look on your loved one’s face when you say, “You are perfect as you are. You are such a joy. I am here for you. Thank you for being in my life.”

And if you received continual whispers of “You are enough, just as you are,” how would your life be different? Would you be better able to whisper encouragement into the lives of those you love?

Gaining the wisdom and insights you need to grow and thrive in an atmosphere of love, compassion and kindness will prepare you to deeply water those seeds in the lives of others. As a partner, parent, family member or friend—we all want our relationships to grow in love. We long to love more deeply, remove barriers and open new pathways to love so we can find true happiness. It is within relationships, including our relationship with ourselves, that the seeds of love are born and nurtured—or not. Healthy, supportive relationships enrich our journey along life’s path. They help define us and often teach us lessons we will need down the road. Are you ready to step out in faith? Our journey begins on a garden path.

Like a garden, relationships require thoughtful tending. With that image in mind, we will look deeply at the seeds that grow in the garden of our consciousness. We will discover how the practice of mindfulness, living in the present moment, can become our most valuable tool in nurturing the seeds of love and transforming the seeds of pain.

Growing up, I spent many hours helping my parents tend our backyard garden. The fruits of our labor offered nourishment during the long Wisconsin winters. But the effort of tending—tossing compost, tilling the soil, planting the seeds and watering the crops—offered rewards of its own, including the opportunity to witness the transformation of seeds coming to life. I’m sure my parents would be delighted today to find the garden has become both metaphor and muse to me, representing the fertile foundation of our spiritual and emotional well-being.

The seeds, both positive and negative, that are watered throughout our lives influence and affect the quality of our life from birth to death. Every interaction with people, situations, ideas—including what we consume and absorb from the media—impacts our senses and consciousness. Accessing the deep interior world of consciousness is like turning the soil of our garden. Whether we simply rake the surface or dig down to the roots, we are shaping the garden of our consciousness to develop a healthy self and positive relationships. If you are dedicated to tending your garden, you will become aware of seed consciousness and learn how to focus on nurturing healthy behaviors and transforming challenging life experiences.

In reflecting on our life as a garden, it is easy to see how we arrived where we are today based on the seeds that were watered within us. Parents and others, who nurture children in gentle, loving ways can bear witness to their efforts as they observe those children happily thriving and engaged in their growing lives. On the other hand, in my volunteer work with inmates at a local penitentiary, it is painfully clear that most of them had significant others in their lives who were far too generous in watering negatives seeds within their consciousness.

In most native traditions, grandparents teach children about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” one Cherokee grandfather said to his grandson. “It is a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil—he is anger, sorrow, regret, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, superiority and ego. The other is good—he is joy, peace, love, hope, kindness, empathy, generosity and compassion. The same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson pondered a moment and asked, “Which wolf will win?” The grandfather simply replied, “The one you feed.”

The seeds of joy, compassion and loving-kindness are easily watered when we are truly present to others and celebrate their presence in our lives. Our crucial task is to visualize the people in our lives—even those who are just passing through—as a precious garden, to discover which seeds need watering and understand how exposure to negative elements can harm the budding sprouts if they are not tended properly.

To tend your spiritual and emotional garden, you’ll need a working set of tools or skills to support and help you nurture the soil of your consciousness and the seeds that have been planted during your lifetime. Mindfulness, or the practice of being aware of the present moment, can become the greatest tool in your gardening efforts.

At some point in our lives, many of us become acutely aware of how mindlessly we have lived and how easy it is to be swept up in busyness and an incessant preoccupation with the future. While this realization usually comes with age, with wisdom it can be achieved at any time of life. Using the practice of mindfulness, we can look deeply at the seeds that will change or enhance the quality of our relationships. Mindfulness offers us an opportunity to step away from the distractions of life and learn to be here now to develop true presence and to understand that love and happiness are grounded in the present moment.

Gradually we learn that love is a verb as well as a noun, and that loving self and others requires action, practice and ongoing growth. Living in the present moment and watering the seeds of love within ourselves and others is the heart of what it means to live fully. Reflecting on the impermanence of life can create anxiety or the inspiration and motivation to reach the end of our life’s journey with a resounding “Yes!” to the question, “Did I love well?”

At the heart of this book are the teachings of one of the most beloved Zen Masters in world, Thich Nhat Hanh. This honored Vietnamese master has popularized the concept of mindfulness in the West, and he reminds us that one need not be a Buddhist to practice mindfulness. Through his beautiful writings on the seeds of consciousness, I became inspired to look deeply at the seeds that were watered in my own life and how they have affected my own relationships. When I received the honor of being ordained as a dharma teacher, Thich Nhat Hahn encouraged me to make “watering the seeds of love” the focus of my future work and the heart of my teaching. This concept soon became a powerful way for me to deepen and transform my relationships. I became aware of what qualities contribute to the development of love, and I grew through the challenge of transforming seeds that could be harmful to others and myself. I discovered how mindfulness is central to the development of love and paramount to discovering which seeds need watering.

My hope is that you will gain insights and inspiration that prompt you to become a master gardener, transforming the seeds that need healing and watering the seeds that need nurturing so you, too, may grow in love. Through the master gardener program, offered at many land-grant universities, students learn how to garden and then how to support others in their own gardening efforts.

Once you discover your ability to nurture certain qualities, you will blossom like the most beautiful garden before turning your influence to those you love.

Join me on this journey of becoming the master gardener of your life and your relationships. May it yield a bountiful harvest – one that will outlive you and become your legacy.

“Whether you tend a garden or not, you are the gardener of your own being, the seed of your destiny.” —The Findhorn Community

The Seeds of Love

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