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Elements of JTBD


A core strength of JTBD is its structure, which clearly separates out various aspects of achieving objectives. The who, what, how, why and when/where are analyzed individually, giving both precision and flexibility to JTBD methods. My simplified model of JTBD consists of five core elements, illustrated in Figure 2.2.1

Job performer (who): The executor of the main job, the ultimate end user

Jobs (what): The aim of the performer, what they want to accomplish

Process (how): The procedure of how the job will get done

Needs (why): Why the performer acts in a certain way while executing the job, or their requirements or intended outcomes during the job process

Circumstances (when/where): The contextual factors that frame job execution

FIGURE 2.2 Five key elements describe the JTBD ecosystem.

The Jobs To Be Done Playbook

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