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When and where does the job get done? JTBD also takes the context of getting the job done into account in order to be relevant to an organization. For instance, get breakfast is a very broad job that could apply to many situations. But for a fast food restaurant, get breakfast on the go, is a more precise job to focus on. The conditions around the job give it meaning and relevance and therefore must be considered.

Adding contextual detail to the situation also helps greatly when designing a solution. For instance, a solution for the job get breakfast on the go could include everything from going to a restaurant or diner to eating a packed lunch at a desk. But when considering specific circumstances like when late for work, while commuting and when cost is a factor, a morning milkshake might be a better solution for the job.

Circumstances typically consist of aspects around time, manner, and place. For example, for the job listen to music on a run, you might uncover factors that determine how that will be performed:

• When it’s raining

• When there is traffic on the road

• When it gets sweaty

• When it’s bouncy

• And so on...

A job without context is not complete and cannot provide strategic direction. There is necessarily a dependency on formulating a main job and knowing the circumstances.

To summarize, there are five key elements in the JTBD framework. Using the previous example of attending a conference, you could consolidate an expression of the JTBD elements as follows in Table 2.4.


Job Performer Conference attendee
Main Job Attend a conference, e.g., a conference, symposium, meetup
Related Job Earn continuing education credits Take a training course
Emotional and Social Jobs Feel inspired by new information Network with others who are like-minded
Process Main stages: 1. Plan 2. Decide 3. Prepare 4. Participate 5. Network 6. Record 7. Summarize 8. Share
Needs • Reduce the time it takes to select a conference to attend • Maximize chances of getting permission to attend • Increase connections in a professional network • Raise awareness of the latest topics in the field • Minimize the time it takes to share learnings with others • Maximize the ability to recall relevant content from event • Etc. (up to ~150 such statements)
Circumstances • When companies limit the number of events employees can attend • When it’s the first time attending a conference • When it’s a very small conference • When it’s a very large conference • Etc.
The Jobs To Be Done Playbook

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