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Kara looked forward to most weekends, but not this one. She agreed to go to The Onion on Saturday for one reason only. To get Mom off her case. It was so annoying the way she kept asking, “What’s the matter? Are you hiding from someone?” Of course Mom wasn’t totally wrong. With the exception of afternoon runs, she WAS spending more time in her room.

Kara led the way to a table with Annie and Neil close behind. She was even more nervous than her first time here. She didn’t look around; that was Annie’s job. She sat down and joined in a discussion about an English paper due next week. It got so quiet she could hear herself talking.


She turned to see Scott behind her. “Hi, Scott,” she managed, trying not to sound surprised.

“Mind if I …?”

Kara shrugged an ‘ok’. Someone moved so he could sit next to her.

Scott looked around the table, saying a group ‘hi’. They struck up a conversation about a recent locker search. He waited for everyone to start talking among themselves and whispered to Kara, “Can we talk?”

She followed him to a booth, aware everyone was watching. As soon as they sat down, words poured out to break the tension.

“Can you believe I got a ‘C plus’ on the first algebra quiz? Just one more point for a ‘B minus’.”

“About the dance,” he interrupted. “I didn’t have to stay with the team, not for so long anyway. I spend enough time with them as it is.”

Kara felt her anger return. “I kept thinking…you don’t need me to talk to them. So why am I even here? I DID ask you to dance first, remember?”

“Ok,” Scott conceded. “But you didn’t have to dance…for so long.”

Kara had a bigger issue. “You called me ‘stupid’.”

“Yeah…I’m sorry,” he said, looking at her. He wanted to make this better.

“Look, Neil and I have been friends since grade school. You didn’t want to dance; he did. It’s that simple. Why is everyone making such a big deal out of this?”

Scott nodded in agreement. “Sunday’s coming up.”

She saw anticipation in his eyes. “I don’t know, Scott. I just don’t think I’m ready for this…to date, I mean.”

“We’re cool, right?” He questioned, shifting in his seat. He stayed long enough for her to say ‘yes’.

They both got up and went in opposite directions. Kara returned to the table, her seat still empty. Neil sat next to her, where Scott had been. Everyone looked at Kara like they just settled an argument. She missed something important; Annie would have to fill her in.

Straight From The Onion Vine  Book 1  Between

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