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The message was from Neil. He asked Kara to a movie this afternoon. She called him and said Annie wanted to go. They both needed this, and even had fun getting ready. Kara picked up the jeans she wore last night and stuffed them under her bed.

“I don’t want any reminders … not for a while anyway,” she insisted, feeling a little better.

They met Neil at Lakeside Mall about one o’clock. He was always on top of what was playing where and when. He sat in the middle and passed the popcorn back and forth.

There were times Kara’s mind wandered during the movie. About last night; maybe Annie was right. She never thought Scott would be jealous of Neil. Kara wasn’t watching him every minute, either. What if he danced with someone else? When her frustration returned, Kara focused on the movie. She promised she would speak up, if there was a next time.

She held onto the hope Scott might meet her at the bus on Monday. They also saw each other before lunch. When those didn’t happen, Kara knew that was ‘it’.

The day never seemed to end. She asked Neil to save her a seat on the afternoon bus. They could always talk about the movie. He could re-enact every scene, sometimes better than how it was.

Neil took his backpack off the seat next to him. Kara sat down, glad today was over.

“Can I ask you something?” Neil began, waiting for her to nod. “What happened with you and Scott?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t see him, today. Maybe he’s sick or something.”

“I passed him on the way to Chem. Lab,” Neil pressed.

Kara took out her water bottle.This was her chance to start the right rumor. “We went to the dance Saturday and it didn’t work out. It’s me…maybe I’m just not ready to date.”

Those words were hard to say without her voice shaking. She took a long sip before putting her water bottle away. Neil was quiet, like he was thinking. The bus screeched to a halt.

“When WILL you be ready?” Neil managed.

“What did you say?” she asked, not hearing a word over the noise.

“Maybe we can do that, again … the movies, I mean,” he answered, losing his nerve.

“Sure. We had a good time. See you tomorrow, ok?”

Kara moved to the front of the bus, anxious to get home. She leaned against the back door after closing it, struck with two thoughts. It was over between her and Scott. The other one was … Neil repeated something different on the bus, just now. What he said the first time had nothing to do with the movies.

pb: ‘The worst part is…everyone wants to know what happened. IT’S OVER BETWEEN SCOTT AND ME! Why isn’t that enough? Why did I let Annie talk me into The Onion in the first place? All I wanted to do this year is pass Algebra. Ok so I miss him something terrible.’

Straight From The Onion Vine  Book 1  Between

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