Читать книгу Straight From The Onion Vine Book 1 Between - Jody Scottsmith - Страница 13



Annie arrived with her bag of goodies. She emptied everything out on the bed. There were spray-on hair colors and a zillion bottles of nail polish. Annie cut holes in a shower cap and pulled strands of hair through. She sprayed these with the ‘cinnamon twist’ Kara picked out. The contrast with her auburn shade was awesome. Next she did her nails with pearly blue nail polish. Annie said it was way too ‘over’. Kara used a metallic top coat which got her approval.

“You look … ok,” Annie said; muffling her enthusiasm. Kara gave her a ‘just ok?’ look. Annie shook some bronze glitter in her hair with a ’that’s better.’

Kara felt like someone else when they walked in The Onion. She even looked around and waved to a few friends. A football player named Colin came over and asked her to sit with him. She said ‘maybe later’, and heard someone call her name.

“Hey Kara; over here!”

She walked over to Neil and said ‘hi’ to everyone. The only empty seat was next to him. The Onion was out of slices, so they took a collection to have a pizza delivered from Mario’s. Kara reached in her back pocket for five dollars. It was handed back to her.

“Glad to see you’re better … than yesterday, I mean.” Neil observed with caution.

“Yeah; I am,” Kara confided. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Annie, but don’t tell her I said that.”

“What’s with him…Colin?” He asked.

Kara shrugged. She really didn’t know.

“He’s a real jerk, I mean jock,” Neil said with certainty.

“So you know him?” Kara asked, annoyed with his ‘know it all’ attitude.

Neil almost said ‘there are some things everyone knows’, but didn’t press his luck. She was sitting next to him and that’s all that mattered.

The Onion always had a DJ on Saturday. When music started Neil took her hand and led the way to the dance floor. They danced the whole set and ended with a slow one. He didn’t mind when she rested her head on his shoulder. Neil quickly turned her in the opposite direction.

“That was close,” he whispered.


“You’ll be ok with this?”

“Let me guess…Scott’s here with loser girl.” That was hard for her to say.

“Yeah, but I don’t think they’re together. He saw us, but I figured you wouldn’t want to see him, so I turned away.”

“I’m over it,” she simply said. If Neil was fishing for more, she could care less.

When they moved into the spotlight, he noticed her hair.

“Hey, that’s pretty cool.”

“It was my idea, but Annie helped.”

“Looks good on you.”


A compliment really meant something from a ‘techie’ like Neil. Scott wouldn’t like the extra color and glitter. Somehow that made her feel better.

Straight From The Onion Vine  Book 1  Between

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