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The slam of the garage door woke Kara up the next morning. She wished Mom wasn’t working today. It would be nice to have someone around and it was too early for Annie to call. Kara sat up before her feelings from last night returned. She quickly threw on her running sweats, leaving her hair in its overnight braid. The cool air was like a slap on the face as she went outside. Kara stretched her legs on the back steps before taking off down the street.

The more her anger from last night returned, the faster she ran. All those Sundays Scott helped with dinner, and that kiss. Kara put a hand on her cheek, remembering. She slowed after the 2K, when her house came in sight. His words echoed in her thoughts. Especially the way he called her ‘stupid’…she wasn’t getting over that anytime soon!

Kara bounded up the stairs to her room. She decided to take a bubble bath and put on her favorite tunes. She soaked until her fingertips were wrinkled.

When the phone rang Kara was sure it was Annie. Not quite ready to face her, she let the machine get it. She wrapped up in a fleece robe and looked in the mirror. “Scott isn’t coming over today or any other day,” she made herself admit. Kara went downstairs to get something to eat. Standing in front of the refrigerator, she heard the usual two knocks.

“I was in the bathtub when you called,” she explained, glancing at the clock. Ten was even early for Annie.

“I can’t wait to be eighteen, so I can move out,” Annie threatened.

Kara decided tea and toast were enough, and turned her attention to Annie. “You had another fight?” She cautiously asked, taking their mugs off the counter.

“Yeah; this time it’s my step-dad.”

Kara knew there was more to it. She was at Annie’s plenty of times when her mother took his side. “You can always come live with us.”

“Thanks, but that would be too embarrassing. My mother has to paint this rosy picture of how life is so great with him.”

That was the most honest thing she’s ever heard Annie say. Kara put the mugs in the microwave. “I could use some company.” The next words were harder, but she had to say them. “I’m pretty sure Scott won’t be coming over. Make that real sure.”

Annie perked up at the change of subject. “Why? What happened?”

“We didn’t say much on the way home,” Kara shrugged.

“Let me guess…he didn’t like you dancing with Neil,” Annie predicted.

The microwave went off and she took out the tea. They both sat down at the kitchen table.

“Can I ask you something, Annie?”

Yeah; sure,” she agreed adding sugar to her tea.

“Do you ever see your real father? Spend time with him, I mean.”

“Not really. He used to call, but my mother made it too hard. She always said we had plans or something. I think he finally gave up. What does this have to do with last night?”

“Do you miss him?” Kara persisted.

“I’d be great to see him. Weird, but great. I’ve never heard much about your Dad.”

“I don’t know. I mean, he hasn’t been around since I was a baby,” Kara answered. She left out how she felt after the dance.

The blinking light from the answering machine caught Annie’s eye. “Hey, that’s not me; I didn’t call this morning. Maybe it’s Scott.”

Annie was always the social organizer, and Kara knew why. She didn’t like to talk about things that happen at home. Maybe because she always had to go back.

Straight From The Onion Vine  Book 1  Between

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