Читать книгу Large Animal Neurology - Joe Mayhew - Страница 36

Sympathetic innervation to the trunk


Other first‐order neuronal fibers descend through the midbrain, medulla, and cervical spinal cord to synapse on second‐order cell bodies in the lateral intermediate gray columns in the thoracolumbar spinal cord to leave the T‐L spinal cord segmentally, supplying the sympathetic trunk that supplies third‐order neurons to glands (including the adrenal) and blood vessels over the trunk and remainder of the body. Damage anywhere along this pathway can result in diffuse (proximal lesions) or selective (more distal lesions) sweating over the caudal body.

Is it not interesting to ponder the systemic effects of decentralizing the adrenal medulla on one or both sides?

Large Animal Neurology

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