Читать книгу The Rise of the Chosen Ones - Joseph C. Parker - Страница 11





There is a trend in the world and chosen ones are rising up everywhere. They are no longer living by old rules that require them to wait to be recognized by someone else in order to live their dreams.

Let’s review again some of the chosen one myth examples that have popularized the concept. In the Harry Potter novels and movies, the love and sacrifice of Harry’s mother created an unyielding protection for Harry, causing the killing curse to rebound onto Voldemort. This in effect gave Harry some of Voldemort’s particular powers, which strengthened as Harry got older and as Voldemort grew stronger. Harry was revered as a living legend and a chosen one. Over the course of his adventures, but not without considerable self-doubt, he finally fulfilled the prophecy that he would vanquish Voldemort.

Luke Skywalker was the son of a fallen Jedi Knight in the Star Wars movies. He was a reluctant student of the Force and doubted himself many times along the way. Still, he became a Jedi Knight even after he lost his teacher in a fight with Darth Vader. He resisted the dark side of the Force and fulfilled his destiny by conquering the evil Empire.

In the Eddie Murphy movie The Golden Child, he was a man with unlimited potential like all of us. However, he was living below his potential and dealing with his fears and doubts. Does that sound familiar? Suddenly, a mysterious and beautiful Asian woman chooses him for a great deed. This becomes the catalyst that puts him on a journey to discover his inner strength, creativity, and wisdom, which enabled him to overcome the kidnappers and save the boy from danger. Something he could never have imagined doing a few days earlier.

What made the difference for Eddie Murphy in this movie? Is it that he was chosen somehow? No, the act of being chosen just started the process that allowed him to rise above his current situation and become the person inside him waiting to be released. Even though the girl chose him, he still needed to believe in himself to accomplish the tasks required to succeed. It follows then that the real reason for his ultimate success came from eventually choosing himself. When that inner mental and emotional event finally occurred, his inner genius, belief, and confidence were finally released.

Choosing yourself is the missing key lesson from the mythical chosen one story. We must all choose ourselves for greatness before it can ever happen. We must choose ourselves in the same way as someone else would choose us. We must choose our skills, our talents, our knowledge, our bodies with all their flaws and imperfections for success and happiness. After all, there is no one more qualified and deserving than you.

So what is the ultimate lesson in The Golden Child story? Should you wait for a mysterious person to choose you for a secret mission? How long do you think you might wait for this to happen, possibly a lifetime? The truth is that Eddie Murphy’s character had the power to choose himself for greatness at any time. He didn’t need to wait to be chosen. However, once he made the decision to choose himself for greatness, it was the turning point, and he was able to achieve success.

The same is true for each of us. Many of us wander the world waiting to be chosen for greatness, without realizing our greatness is already in there waiting for us to access it. The act of choosing ourselves is a simple and profound choice. By doing it, we affirm to ourselves, and the world, that our lives are significant, and we have talents and gifts to give. Once we recognize our greatness and make the choice to live to our full potential, we begin to get out of our own way. This is because we are the ones who truly limit ourselves, instead of the greater world around us, as we may assume.

We make excuses for and justify our self-imposed limitations. We say things like, “I could never do that” or, “I am not like that.” Each time we justify our limitations we are unconsciously working to keep them in place, which results in driving them deeper into our subconscious mind until we ultimately believe them.

We build an ordinary life of limitation in this way, which results in an ever-shrinking box of restrictions and fear. However, it is a box of our own making, and only we have the key to open it. We do not have to live this way. We can get out of our own way, and shake off these self-imposed limitations. Our fears and limits are only lies we have accepted and allowed to grow in our minds far too long. Like weeds in a garden, we can and must throw them out. We start this process by choosing ourselves for greatness.

Here are affirmations I have found to be powerful. Read them slowly and feel the energy and emotions they create inside you. All change is associated with feelings, and accessing the feelings of power, love, and unlimited potential creates it.

Take time to get in touch with your feelings as you read these:

I choose myself because:

 I have unlimited potential.

 I have gifts to give the world.

 I am no better or worse than others are.

 I have big goals to achieve.

 The world needs strong leaders.

 I am tired of living with less.

 I care about my family.

 I am worth it.

 I am dissatisfied with my current life.

 Nobody else will.

Next, affirm:

 Only I can choose myself.

 Only I can believe in myself.

 Only I can overcome my fears.

 Only I can be confident of my abilities.

 Only I can fulfill my destiny.

 Only I can save the world.

Does the act of choosing yourself provide you with special skills and abilities? In a way, it does because it unlocks your creativity and inner resources. It is a decision point, which provides you with strength and the courage to move towards your goals. It allows you to take responsibility for your life and stop depending on others to save you.

It’s important to accept the following thoughts.

Self-Chosen Ones:

 Don’t expect things to be easy

 Look to themselves for guidance

 Don’t waste time on endless distractions in life

 Do maintain close relationships with their families and friends

 Don’t want to fit in

 Stay away from the comfort zone

 Take time to be alone with their thoughts

 Know that failure is the price of success

 Take responsibility for their lives and don’t make excuses

 Are honest with themselves and others

 Speak kindly to themselves and others

 Are humble

 Have written goals

 Have extraordinary ideas

 Feel fear, but it doesn’t stop them; it attracts them

 Live in faith, not fear.

So chosen ones do exist, but they are not chosen by anyone else. They were not born that way, blessed by God, or given magical powers by a guru. Self-chosen ones are people who believe in themselves and know that they are capable of anything. They see that the world needs leadership, courage, compassion, love, good food, clean water, and wealth. Then, they choose themselves as the best person to accomplish these tasks, utilizing persistence, courage, love, determination, or whatever it takes. They choose to make a difference.

I refer to the mythical chosen one in the singular throughout the book. As you have learned, these people do not actually exist. The chosen ones or the self-chosen ones are referred to in the plural. These are people such as yourself who have decided to take control of their growth and path to greatness. Keep that in mind as you read further.

There is a new trend in the world, and self-chosen ones are rising up everywhere. They are no longer living by old rules that require them to wait to be recognized by someone else to live their dreams. They are taking control of their lives and are not asking for permission from anyone before they take action.

They are living with a higher purpose and commitment and using creativity to make the world a better place. They are shunning the popular media that seeks to keep them in distraction, greed, violence, and fear. They are taking back control of their environment by finding new sources of news and entertainment that support caring, motivation, positivity, and inclusiveness.

The self-chosen ones understand how to bring their superior products and services directly to their customers. They can self-publish their books, music, and movies using the Internet, social media, and mobile devices. They don’t need the support of traditional media firms. Self-chosen ones do not allow themselves to be controlled by their devices. Instead, they use them as creation tools not toys for endless distractions.

They understand how to make their offerings unique in the marketplace. They create a tight bond with the clients they serve, so they attract loyal customers. They understand that win-win solutions are always best, and they make sure that any partnership or agreement benefits both parties.

The self-chosen ones take action in the world and are unafraid to make mistakes. They will take the risk to bring their ideas to the world before they are completely ready, making adjustments and improvements as they go. When mistakes are made, they understand this is good feedback on how to deliver better service. They accept mistakes as the best way to learn anything and know they are not a reflection of anyone’s character or value. In fact, they are eager to learn from their mistakes and find new ways to improve themselves and their positive work in the world.

Self-chosen ones live by their values and higher purpose and use those values to evaluate every decision they make. They are doing something every day to bring their visions to life. They have given up pleasing others and instead do things that please themselves and their higher purpose. They accept the things in life they are unable to change and know that self-love is the way to happiness.

The modern world is hungry for more self-chosen ones. The stage is set for their success. They will become the world leaders who will reverse the course of violence, greed, hunger, fear, and oppression in the world. There is no better time than now. You are one of the new self-chosen ones.

The Rise of the Chosen Ones

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