Читать книгу The Rise of the Chosen Ones - Joseph C. Parker - Страница 8




Too many people have no belief in their abilities.

There is a powerful myth that has been handed down throughout the ages. It is the myth of the “chosen one.” These rare individuals, supposedly selected for greatness from a higher source, have a destiny to accomplish amazing goals, and they possess knowledge, wisdom, and skills others do not. We see reflections of this myth in classic movies and books such as Star Wars and Harry Potter.

Great warriors, kings, actors, and athletes are often thought of as Chosen Ones. Indeed, these archetypes do sometimes accomplish amazing deeds, and possess knowledge, power, and skill, but were they really chosen? How did they get to be chosen? Who chose them? How do we access this exclusive club? We will answer these questions and more.

We will discuss and dispel the myth of the chosen one because it is a false belief. Then we will leverage the seductive power of the chosen one myth, for our benefit. By doing this, we will discover that many chosen ones really do exist. However, they are self-made, not appointed by others as the myth describes. We will discover that the deeply personal act of choosing themselves is the psychological key that makes some people great. As we shall see, everyone has the opportunity to become one of the self-chosen ones, and you are able to become one too.

This book shares two powerful, psychological models that contain the core components self-chosen ones will employ for success. You will learn about the seven-part dynamics model, and how it relates to the key concepts matrix. Instructions are provided to assist you in utilizing these models to raise your self-concept, overcome fear walls, and enhance personal beliefs.

The path needed for the journey of the self-chosen ones will be made clear, and the progression levels from Initiate to Master revealed. This framework will guide anyone with the will to be great through the maze of self-improvement concepts. If you choose the path for yourself, the knowledge, actions, and skills required to attain each level is at your fingertips.

This book:

 Dispels the popular "rare chosen one" myth

 Shows how anyone can choose themselves for greatness

 Reveals two psychological models to increase self-concept

 Explains critical core beliefs and strategies for success

 Lays out the path to attaining the master progression level

This book is differs from most as it provides not only personal power concepts, like awareness, belief, and the sub-conscious, but it also provides the necessary business strategies, like intellectual property, “win-win” and conceive-believe-achieve. These concepts are usually kept separate, but in this book, they are interwoven for maximum benefit. Other personal growth books provide development concepts too, but they do not provide a solid set of accompanying business strategies. As a result of providing only concepts without strategies you may charge out, and make many mistakes.

The process of making mistakes can be a good thing because you learn so much from them, however, I want to reduce your learning curve as much as possible upfront to give you the highest probability of future success. The truth is that some strategies work better than others, and you can save yourself years of struggle by knowing what to do and thus, what to avoid. The most successful companies in the world use the business and success strategies in this book. When you adopt them as your own, it will shorten your path to success by up to 10 years, according to the author and visionary Marshall Thurber.

Let us begin by reviewing the current state of the world. Growing up in Western culture has never been easy. Although we live in the wealthiest time and place in the history of mankind, most of us are struggling. Even though there are opportunities all around us, making an adequate living and just getting by is the norm. We see visions of wealth and prosperity on TV, billboards, and on the Internet every day. Images are everywhere of people who have it all. We all want that for ourselves, but somehow the golden rainbow always seems to land on someone else’s door.

Why is this? Why is it that in the land of opportunity, so many of us remain disillusioned and broke? Even those who appear to be getting ahead are mostly living beyond their means and worrying about tomorrow. What is it about western culture that lulls people into a deep sleep and allows their lives to pass them by without taking a chance? Why do they continue not to believe in themselves, think themselves undeserving, or not smart enough?

I look around at the culture in which I was raised and see many reasons for this. First, the environment does not support or reward individuality or personal empowerment. Instead, our school system rewards being right, not making mistakes, and social conformity. Second, our media reflects and glorifies being average and poorly behaved. The media networks even encourage bad behavior on reality shows and portray being smart as undesirable and weird.

Third, the environment does not reward taking risks. For example, I sometimes took risks in school that resulted in poor grades or were interpreted as stupid questions. In my school, personal achievement was only measured in regurgitating knowledge, not new learning or creativity. In my high school, being different could result in social obscurity or being an outcast.

Television was my primary media source, and I loved comic book heroes and movie stars who had special skills. My biggest heroes were all mythical chosen ones, such as Spiderman or Superman. Little did I know just how much that would hold me back in the future.

Now, a generation later, my sons are growing up in a technical world much different from mine, but still, success is elusive. There are now cell phones, tablets, laptops, watches, and vision goggles that provide 24-7 access to media and entertainment. While these devices make our lives more convenient and useful, they also provide a source of endless distraction and anxiety. The constant stream of music, news, social chatter, and information access has actually made it harder to focus on bettering our lives. How then, can we focus on anything?

The shift created by the Internet and wireless communications has provided youth constant access to media and ideas that few parents can control. Constant negative influences from the media focus on sex, greed, scarcity, and lack of opportunity. Parents are increasingly unable to manage all the demands of modern life and still provide the positive guidance they intended for their children.

What is the result? I believe it is a world in which we now have an epidemic of low self-esteem. This lack of self-esteem has evolved into social and personal problems that are expressed as addiction, distraction, poverty, and consumerism. These problems are actually just self-sabotage and frustration caused by self-loathing. When people have a low self-concept, they engage in activities that expose these negative beliefs such as abusing drugs, alcohol, food, sex, work, and shopping or even turning to violence and crime.

To counteract these problems, we must first address this lack of personal confidence, so that it won’t be unleashed in self-defeating behaviors. Too many people have no belief in their own abilities. Too many people blame others for their circumstances. Too many people extract revenge on a society they blame for their problems.

At the root of many social problems are beliefs in myths that are not true. These myths are supported by the media and make us easy to manipulate. On the bright side, once these myths are debunked, the pitfalls they create can be avoided, and one of the biggest myths portrayed to us is that of the rare chosen one. This myth keeps us stuck with no hope of fulfilling our true greater destiny.

Once we escape this myth, we become free to develop ourselves and fulfill our dreams. This takes dedication, skill development, knowledge, and action. When you begin to take action, a path becomes clear, you start to shed fears and doubts, and progressively recreate yourself. Then as one of the new, soon to rise, self-chosen ones, you will need a guide to complete the journey. This book is that guide.

I begin by discussing the historical myth of the chosen one. First, we will review the mythical rare chosen one portrayed in popular movies and literature. Second, we will dispel this myth—these are not true chosen ones because they cannot exist without the missing element that is possessed by real chosen ones—they choose themselves.

Finally, we will show that anyone can become one of the many self-chosen ones. The path these chosen ones take will be made clear, and the core components will be revealed. The psychological frameworks and attainment levels will guide you through the distractions and pitfalls along the journey.


The Rise of the Chosen Ones

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