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What should you do first and when do you shift from self-reflection to acceptance, creation, and then into action?

One of the problems with most personal improvement books and courses is that they are unable to provide the individual with a reliable road map or even a way of gauging their progress towards mastering the concepts. Each book focuses only on certain topics, and they are never fully integrated into an overall framework with simple progression levels.

The progression levels defined here are a useful way to gauge individual progress along the path of personal development. They are meant to be used as milestones on the journey and not for recognition of achievement. This book divides the journey of the self-chosen ones into five distinct levels that everyone will pass through on the way to obtaining their dreams.

This is important because without a framework many people flounder, do not know where to focus, or understand how the concepts build upon each other. For example, one book may talk about forgiveness or awareness and another one will focus on goals or action. What should you do first and when do you shift from self-reflection to acceptance, creation, and then into action?

How do you know when you have built a firm mental and emotional foundation to build your dreams? When do you use each planet in your solar system? It can be very confusing, and you can quickly become overwhelmed with too much information and too many questions. This is where the organized path provided in the following chapters of this book is needed.

The chosen one levels of attainment again are milestones along the path. Each level has a distinct purpose, knowledgebase, and a set of goals. Each level also requires that you use a different set of the personal growth concepts that are part of your solar system. Some of these concepts are used more than others at each level. For example, persistence becomes more important as you move up each level. Consider Table 2 as a reference.

Table 2 – Self-Chosen Levels

The levels are a hierarchy that represents your progression as one of the self-chosen ones. They show your proficiency and are set up like a trade guild or martial arts system with levels. The names given for each level are loosely based upon the medieval guild system. I have added more levels to make five.

As a reference, the guilds were associations of skilled workers who went through a lifetime progression to become a master at their craft. The names are used differently here and are not meant to align with the actual guild levels.

Everyone who chooses themselves starts as an Initiate. This is where you begin awareness training. Awareness training entails discovering how your mind works and how your mental programs often control you. You will also examine your past and how you became who you are now. The influences of others are very strong here. You will begin to identify your beliefs about yourself, define areas for improvement and then commit to living in a new way. You will cast aside the need to fit in and begin to accept your uniqueness.

The initiate level has a purpose: to become aware, acknowledge your past and how it affected you, and then realize you are capable of much more. You will know you are ready to advance when you have defined areas for improvement and committed, as never before, to overcome them.

Next you progress to Novice where you completely accept your past, evaluate your present circumstances, take responsibility for your life, and choose yourself for greatness. You will choose your values and remove negative influences. You will learn about negative story making and how it leads to fear. Meditation is introduced as a way to think clearly and relax.

The purpose of the novice level is to choose yourself and accept your greatness as you are right now. You accept yourself with all your flaws and forgive any past mistakes or failures. You will evaluate your health and focus on making it better. The high price of being normal will be made clear.

As an Apprentice, you get to set new goals for your life and recreate yourself as if you were ordering your life from a menu where there are no limits. Your beliefs about yourself will begin to change. You will become grateful for what you already have, and learn to forgive others and yourself. Mistakes will no longer be considered as negative. They will be encouraged as part of your new learning process.

The purpose of the apprentice level is to set your future goals and create a life purpose based on your values. You will recreate yourself as you always wanted to be. You will transform your environment, learn business strategies, and learn to live in faith instead of fear. You will know you are ready to advance to the next level when you have decided what you want, set goals to achieve it, defined a higher purpose, come to believe it is possible for you, and accepted that inconvenience is the price of success.

Then, you move to a Journeyman, which is about belief and becoming action oriented. Here you put your goals into action steps, use strategies, and begin to overcome your fear walls. You will develop persistence as you take action towards your goals. You will act with responsibility and find like-minded others to join your efforts. You will employ strategies such as win-win, distraction management, and intellectual property.

The purpose of the journeymen level is to put your goals into action, believe they are possible, and overcome the fears that stand in your way. You will learn to seek excellence instead of perfection and have fun along the way. You will learn to connect with infinite intelligence and absorb the knowledge of the universe. Overcoming negative story making will make all the difference. You will know you are ready to advance to the next level once you have based your goals upon a higher purpose and made them a reality.

Ultimately, you want to become a Master. The master knows how to create a vision and see it achieved through action, belief, creativity, flexibility, and persistence. The master also lives for a higher purpose. The master has high self-value and self-esteem. They have an indifference to others opinions of them. They are grateful for everything and take total responsibility for all that happens. They understand what it takes to achieve a vision.

The purpose of the master level is to achieve your visions with gratitude, humility, and to teach others the way. The master is action oriented, free of distractions, and has a clear understanding of their thoughts and emotions. They are very exclusive in their selection of outside influences including people and information. They find joy in everyone and are guided by faith.

Consider again the diagram previously shown in table 2. This is your roadmap to becoming a master chosen one. In the next chapter, we will blend the dynamics model and levels of attainment together. This provides a systematic program for personal development mastery, and the process of life success will be demystified.

The Rise of the Chosen Ones

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