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In 1961, I was a high-school dropout with a resume of dead-end jobs and a future clouded in debt. But then, I met a man named Ray Stanford who encouraged me to look at the results I was getting, and he handed me a book –Think and Grow Rich.

That book and Ray’s belief in me planted a seed of hope in my mind. In just months, my life spun on a dime. I was making more than $100,000 in a year and soon topped the $1 million mark.

For the past 55 years, I have focused on helping people create lush lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships, and spiritual awareness. I show people how to understand their hidden abilities to do more, be more and have more in every area of life.

I also read and study every day, and I’ve noticed something that is missing from most personal success books and courses. Their strategies for success may be sound, but they seldom address the student’s lack of belief. However, that’s not the case here. In The Rise of the Chosen Ones: How to Choose Yourself for Greatness, Joseph Parker reveals a powerful process to create strong self-belief.

Parker begins by describing the myth of the rare chosen one in society. This myth is a compelling story for movies, but it is lousy—and untrue—model for human achievement. It leads people to think that others are more capable and have advantages they do not. It also keeps people stuck in inaction as they wait for someone else to choose them for greatness. Parker explains that everyone must bet on and choose themselves in order to be the star in the movie of their lives.

In part two of the book, Parker reveals a complete set of tools and new psychological models for the personal development process. He makes the transformational process easy to understand and relate to by introducing the concept of levels of attainment. Here’s an overview of the attainment levels:

The Initiate: to become aware of your thinking and beliefs, acknowledge your past—and understand how it affected you, and then commit to becoming much more.

The Novice: to choose yourself and accept your greatness. You accept yourself fully with all your flaws and forgive any past mistakes or failures.

The Apprentice: to set your future dreams and adopt a life purpose based on your values. You get to recreate yourself as you always wanted to be.

The Journeyman: to put your dreams into action, you must believe they are possible, and overcome any fears that arise. You learn to seek excellence instead of perfection and have fun along the way.

The Master: to achieve your dreams with gratitude, humility, and to teach others the way. The master is action oriented, free of distractions, and has developed a clear understanding of thoughts and ideas.

Joseph C. Parker has built an impressive resume of helping people improve the quality of their lives. You’ll understand why as you dive into the pages of The Rise of the Chosen Ones: How to Choose Yourself For Greatness and discover a much-needed roadmap for achieving your dreams and becoming the master of your life.

Bob Proctor

The Rise of the Chosen Ones

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