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Affirmations can help you achieve your goals. An affirmation is a pithy statement of your outcome that assumes that it is possible and achievable and keeps your mind focused on it.

Affirmations are like belief statements – they can be powerful, but they have to be carefully phrased. When you make affirmations that are about self-development, phrase them as if they are occurring now. For example, if your outcome is to become a more relaxed person, a suitable affirmation might be: ‘I am becoming more and more relaxed. I am feeling better and better about myself.’

Do not phrase self-development affirmations as if they have already happened, for example, ‘I am a more relaxed person. I feel better about myself.’ You are not – yet – and so your unconscious mind will whisper, ‘No, you’re not. You aren’t fooling anybody.’

Do not give self-development affirmations an exact deadline, for example, ‘In three months’ time I shall be a more relaxed person.’ First of all, it may take more or less than three months. Secondly, your unconscious mind will whisper, ‘OK, so we don’t need to do anything right now then, do we?’

Affirmations should only have specific time and date if they are about specific actions, for example, ‘On Monday 22 January I will go to the gym and exercise for one hour’ or ‘By this time next year I will have doubled my salary.’

‘Don’t just think it, ink it!’

Write down your outcomes. Write down your affirmations. Write them on good-quality paper in your best handwriting and say them several times every day. They will keep them in your mind and you will start to see opportunities that you would never see otherwise.

When you achieve them, put them away safely under the heading of ‘Success Stories’ and whenever you feel your confidence waning, dig them out and enjoy the feeling of achievement again.

NLP Workbook: A practical guide to achieving the results you want

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