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I. James Myers, manager and one of the owners of the Eagle Lye Works of Milwaukee, is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in that city on the 2nd of February, 1868. The family is of Swiss origin and the grandfather was a shepherd of Switzerland, where he spent his life, never visiting the United States. His son, Lehman Myers, who died in 1894, was born in Zurich, Switzerland, and came to the United States when about thirteen years of age, in company with a brother-in-law. He settled first at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and afterward engaged in the retail grocery business there. As the years have gone by he developed his interests along that line and became a wholesale grocer of Philadelphia. During the raid of the Confederate forces into Pennsylvania in 1863, which ended in the battle of Gettysburg, he was forcibly impressed into the Confederate service. After the Civil war he gave up his Philadelphia business and came to Milwaukee, where he established a store for the sale of lace curtains and embroidery, conducting this enterprise for two years. In 1870 he began the manufacture of lye, thus establishing a business which was the forerunner of the present Eagle Lye Works of Milwaukee. The trade today covers the United States save for that portion along the Atlantic seaboard. The company had a large export business prior to the World war and this is the only firm in the United States engaged exclusively in the manufacture of lye. It also manufactures its own tin cans and maintains a machine shop in connection therewith. The father, Lehman Myers, was one of the most highly esteemed business men of Milwaukee and his advice was many times sought by young men and those who were entering business, for it was well-known that his judgment was sound, his sagacity keen and his opinions found verification in results. Mr. Myers was a lover of horses and owned much fine pacing and trotting stock in his day. He married Pauline Stydler, who passed away January 1, 1920, having survived her husband for more than a quarter of a century. She was born in Germany and came to the United States in girlhood, her marriage to Lehman Myers being celebrated in Philadelphia.

I. James Myers pursued his early education in the sixth ward school of Milwaukee and in the fourteenth district school. He afterward took a course in the Spencerian Business College and then became associated with his father in lye manufacturing, his original position, however, being that of errand boy for the firm. He afterward worked in the factory, later became shipping clerk and successively bookkeeper and general manager and is today occupying the last named position. He thoroughly acquainted himself with every phase of the business and was well qualified to become the successor of his father on the latter's death.

Mr. Myers has two sisters, Lillian and Mrs. Florence M. Jones, the latter the widow of D. Milton Jones of Milwaukee. In August, 1905, I. James Myers was married to Miss Mary Mackut of Milwaukee, and they occupy an enviable position in the social circles in which they move. Mr. Myers has always voted with the republican party but has never been a politician in the sense of office seeking. He has ever been greatly interested in chemistry, especially as applied to his business and has delved deep into the science. He belongs to the Milwaukee Credit Men's Association, to the Milwaukee Athletic Club and to the Association of Commerce and is keenly interested in the plans and projects of the last named organization for the city's upbuilding and the advancement of its civic standards. There have been no unusual or spectacular phases in his career, nor has his success resulted from the fact that he was reared amidst exceptionally favorable circumstances. His father wisely saw that the son thoroughly acquainted himself with the business and by reason of his mastery of every phase of the trade in both the manufacturing and sales end he is now occupying his present responsible position in control of the Eagle Lye Works.

Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Volume 5

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