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Roy Lewis Stone, vice president of the American Exchange Bank of Milwaukee, with which he has been continuously connected since 1908, has been identified with banking interests throughout practically his entire business career. His birth occurred in Milwaukee on the 16th of February, 1876, his parents being Lewis H. and Francelia (Radway) Stone, who were natives of Virginia and Wisconsin, respectively. In the early '50s they took up their abode near Eureka, this state, while about 1870 they came to Milwaukee. The father followed the lakes as a marine engineer. Both he and his wife have passed away.

Roy L. Stone, the only child of his parents and the sole surviving member of the family, obtained a limited education in the public schools of his native city and as a youth of fourteen secured employment in the drug store of Sam Wright, at the corner of' Sixth street and Grand avenue. Subsequently he spent about a year as a student in a business college and then obtained a position as messenger boy in the First National Bank, with which institution he remained for fifteen years, winning various promotions until eventually he was made manager of the credit department. During the panic of 1907, while still an employee of the First National Bank, he served as secretary of the Clearing House Loan Committee. On the 1st of January, 1908, he became identified as assistant cashier with the German-American Bank, the name of which was changed to the American Exchange Bank in 1915. The following year he was appointed third vice president, while in 1918 he became second vice president and director and in 1920 assumed the duties of his present position, which are those of first vice president. His efforts have been no unimportant factor in the continued growth and success of the institution. He is likewise the vice president and one of the directors of the Bay View Savings Bank and a director of the C. H. & E. Manufacturing Company.

In 1898 Mr. Stone was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Couillard and they have become parents of two children: Marshall, who is a student in the University of Wisconsin; and Marion. The family residence is at No. 187 Thirty-first street.

In fraternal circles Mr. Stone is well-known as a Mason and an Elk and he is a popular member of the Milwaukee Athletic Club, finding pleasurable recreation in athletics and also in motoring. He likewise belongs to the Wisconsin Club, the City Club, the Robert Morris Associates and Reserve City Bankers Association, the Milwaukee Association of Credit Men and the Milwaukee Association of Commerce, being the treasurer and one of the directors of the last named. His activities during the period of the World war included service as a member of the war finance central committee, as manager of headquarters in all the war drives in Milwaukee county and as a director of the Red Cross membership drive in 1918. His life has been spent in the city of Milwaukee and that his career has ever been an upright and honorable one is indicated in the fact that the associates of his boyhood and youth are still numbered among his. stanch friends and admirers. He has become most widely and favorably known as a capable financier and valued citizen.

Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Volume 5

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