Читать книгу The Heart's Choice - Joyce Livingston - Страница 2

The darkness. The tunnel. The hospital room. An older couple who said they loved her and prayed for her. None of it made any sense.


Slightly turning her head, Tavia peered into the face of yet another stranger. A handsome man in a wheelchair with a small vase of white daisies balanced between his knees.

“Hi. They said you were awake. I’ve been so worried about you.” He placed the vase on the nightstand. “I want you to know how sorry I am. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn't have been injured. I did everything I could to avoid the accident, but there wasn’t anything I could do.”

Accident. This must be the man she heard earlier. Beck. She tried to speak, but the tubes prevented her.

“I shouldn’t have mentioned that. I didn’t mean to upset you—I’ll leave now.”

Bewildered, Tavia watched him go. All her life no one had cared if she lived or died; now three strangers were concerned about her.

The Heart's Choice

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