Читать книгу The Heart's Choice - Joyce Livingston - Страница 8


Dear Reader,

Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Joyce Livingston and it has been my pleasure to write this book, The Heart’s Choice, for Love Inspired.

The Heart’s Choice is the story of Tavia MacRae and Beck Brewster, two lonely people who are thrown together in the most unlikely of circumstances. Sometimes, life throw us a curve, and it certainly threw one at Tavia and Beck. What happened to them could happen to any of us at any time. Has life ever thrown you a curve? How did you handle it? Did you turn the reins of your life over to God, or did you muddle on through yourself, running into one insurmountable obstacle after another? I hope you enjoy reading how Tavia and Beck responded when their world fell apart.

Although I have had a number of inspirational romance books published, this is my very first book for Love Inspired. Writing inspirational romance for you, the reader of Love Inspired, is a dream come true. A number of years ago, God called me to be an encourager to women everywhere, but I never dreamed it would be through my writing. Yet, He has given me this wonderful opportunity, and I praise Him for it.

I’d love to hear your comments about The Heart’s Choice. If you’d be willing to pray for me as I write these books, I invite you to become a part of my prayer team. E-mail me at: joyce@joycelivingston.com, or visit my Web site at www.joycelivingston.com.

Till next time,

The Heart's Choice

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