Читать книгу The Heart's Choice - Joyce Livingston - Страница 7


Oh, my, where do I start?

I owe so much to so many.

Family, friends, other authors. My editor,

Krista Stroever, who really knows her stuff.

My hands-on agent, Carolyn Grayson, who has

great confidence in me and continually spurs me

on. And most of all, my husband, Don, for being

so supportive of my writing, loving leftovers and

putting up with all my idiosyncrasies. I also owe a

debt of gratitude to Tracie Peterson, who has been

a real mentor to me and taught me much about

writing, and to Rebecca Germany for taking that

first chance on me and publishing my first book.

Then, there is Morgan Chilson, who so capably

copyedits for me, and Jean Buchanan, who

volunteers to be my reader. And I can’t leave

out my writing group, the wonderful

Kansas Fiction Writers.

But, in addition to the above, I want to acknowledge

you—the reader who has purchased this book.

I hope you enjoy The Heart’s Choice, my first

book for Love Inspired. I loved writing it,

and hope to write many more Love Inspired

books to share with you in the future.

The Heart's Choice

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