Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 47


February 9

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

The commandments . . . are all summed up in one word: You must love your neighbor as yourself. Love doesn't do anything wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is what fulfills the Law.

—Romans 13:9-10

If you grew up in a neighborhood, or you watched Mr. Rogers as a kid, you might think that neighbors are those people who live on your block. They're the people who watch out for your house when you're out of town and the ones who stop by with a gift on your birthday. They know you and love you.

But, these are not your only neighbors. You have neighbors at work, people who have an office next to yours. Your newspaper carrier and your hair dresser are also your neighbors and so is the guy three states over who isn't on your Christmas card list.

Today's a good day to expand your definition of a neighbor. Touch the life of someone you meet at the local coffee shop or someone who sits by you on the subway. Take some groceries to a shut-in. Your neighbors are everywhere, and they're only a thought away.

When Jesus summed up the Ten Commandments with just two, he was talking about love. Love your neighbor as yourself and show God you know what it means to be neighborly.

In the Flow

Lord, I am a good neighbor sometimes. I try to watch out for those around me but I confess that I don't often think about the people I pass by on the street. Help me see them too. Help me reach out in love wherever you lead me. Amen.


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