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February 14

Jesus Wants You for a Valentine

Now faith, hope, and love remain—these three things—and the greatest of these is love.

—1 Corinthians 13:13

Valentine's Day may have pagan origins, but its roots don't really matter to those of us who understand and practice love. We know it's important to spread love wherever we go in as many ways as we can and to show the Ultimate Source of love to others.

As we exchange hearts and flowers thinking about the people we love, let us remember why love exists in the world in any form. It exists because our Creator is the author of all love and he loved us first. He was the first Valentine. You can define love for yourself with anything from a love of chocolate to a love of the symphony.

You can imagine it with the love you feel for someone close to you. You experience it more fully, though, when you go directly to your Father and plug in to the love he has for you. With his love, you grow stronger. With his love you can move mountains of insecurity and trouble and leaven them behind. You then become all that he meant you to be, a living, generous example of who he is today, tomorrow, and always. Love is his motivation. Love is the result.

Jesus wants to spread his love and his heart of truth and joy to everyone you meet. Go on, make some new Valentines. The world needs a little more of his love.

In the Flow

Lord, help me love others the way you love them. Amen.


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