Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 63


February 25

What to Wear Today

Don't let loyalty and faithfulness leave you. Bind them on your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will find favor and approval in the eyes of God and humanity.

—Proverbs 3:3-4

As you go about the business of getting dressed and preparing for the day, think about your outfit a bit more carefully. How will you adorn yourself? One way is to add a great smile to your choice for the day, another is to don a new necktie or perhaps a new scarf around your throat. The writer of Proverbs suggests that we remember to wear loyalty and faithfulness today.

Loyalty and faithfulness have almost become words of the past. We certainly don't experience loyalty from the brands we buy, the places where we've worked for twenty years, or even the friends we've nurtured over time. You can change that, though. You can choose to stick your neck out and take a stand for loyalty.

You can be loyal and faithful yourself no matter what else the world may have to offer. When you do, you'll be dressed for success. You'll be ready to lead others and inspire them to shop for similar adornments.

As you get dressed today, put on loyalty and faithfulness. You'll find favor in God's sight and he'll approve of your style.

In the Flow

Lord, help me show my faithful heart to those around me. Keep me dressed for your success as I stay loyal to you and the work you've put me here to do. Amen.


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