Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 66


February 28

The Place Where You Stand

Moses said, "I'm here." Then the LORD said, "Don't come any closer! Take off your sandals, because you are standing on holy ground."

—Exodus 3:4-5

How do we come into God's presence? How often do we recognize the place where we stand—when we talk to him, when we say our prayers, when we express our faith and our belief—as a holy space?

God's request was simple, yet it required one thing of Moses. It meant that he had to listen and obey. It meant that he had to understand that this was indeed an important moment in their relationship, for God was inviting Moses into his inner circle. It connected Moses most directly to the earth and perhaps gave him a way to feel God's presence even more.

We're not always inclined to remember God's holiness on a conscious level. We may not think of our conversations with him as taking place on holy ground, and yet that is where we stand every time we approach him with a humble heart, with a desire to get closer to him, with an understanding of our own humanity. God is holy.

In the Flow

Lord, I thank you for loving me so much that you're willing to let me share your friendship and be part of your inner circle. Help me be worthy of your love today and be mindful of those places that are holy and set apart unto you. Amen.


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