Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 76


March 8

Come Into the Light

Hence, I will also appoint you as light to the nations so that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.

—Isaiah 49:6

One frequent theme of the Bible is the effect of light and what it does to illuminate truth. God spoke the light into being, making it possible for us to see his world in the backdrop of the darkness. He made it possible for us to see him and to feel the light of his face upon us. Light then serves as an intentional metaphor for guidance and the gift of his presence.

So what happens when we slip into the shadows? Sometimes we step aside from the path, take the lead away from God and walk alone. We stubbornly hold independence as a valuable asset, perhaps the best asset we have. It is valuable, but it isn't everything, especially when we cease to be dependent on God, our source of light. We can only shine for him as we stand in his presence.

You've been given the flame. You are the light. In fact, you may be the only light of God's love that some people will ever see. Your work on this planet is to shine and to help others come into God's presence for themselves. It's a great day to turn on your high beams.

In the Flow

Lord, I know that I sometimes hide the light you've given me. Help me shine in ways that please you and help others see you in a new way. Amen.


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