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March 6

The One and Only Mediator

There is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, the human Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a payment to set all people free.

—1 Timothy 2:5-6

Timothy tells us here that Christ himself is our mediator with God. He stepped in on our behalf to negotiate a place for us in Heaven. As John Calvin put it, "Christ's work as Mediator was unique: it was to restore us to divine favor and to make us sons [and daughters] of God, instead of sons of men. We became heirs to a heavenly kingdom."

So, okay, you may not stop to realize your life is on trial or that you need someone to go stand in the gaps, but the truth is you do, we all do, because God alone is Holy. We're on a finite path and only God himself could devise a way to bring us back home again from this journey. That's the work God did through our Mediator, Jesus.

Today, let's give thanks for our path and remember the one who gives us life . . . life eternal. Then, let's step out in faith and see what we can do to encourage a few more of God's children to step into the fold. Bring a little bit of heaven to everyone you meet today.

In the Flow

Lord, I thank you for the great sacrifice you made on my behalf. I thank you for loving me before I was even born. Thank you for the great Mediator, our one and only way back to you . . . Jesus Christ. Amen.


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