Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 79


March 11

How Not to Please God!

There are six things that the LORD hates, seven things detestable to him: snobbish eyes, a lying tongue, hands that spill innocent blood, a heart set on wicked plans, feet that run quickly to evil, a false witness who breathes lies, and one who causes conflicts among relatives.

—Proverbs 6:16-19

You probably prefer to please God in the manner by which you address life and the people you know. Well, this Proverb directs your attention to show what you can do to NOT please God. Of course, none of these apply to you, but let's look again at one and see if you note any shades of similarity.

It may not occur to you that you could be snobbish in any way, but anything that separates us from having compassion for another human being may well hit this chord. Like Jesus' disciples who argued over who could sit next to him when he came into his kingdom, you may unconsciously elevate yourself in ways that bring snobbish eyes into play.

We are all apt to NOT please God on any given day with the things we do or say. We're not so perfectly adjusted to this world that we know how to sidestep the evils no matter how little they might seem. Today, though, is a new day and a chance to offer God our best.

In the Flow

Lord, I know that I'm as guilty as anyone of doing things that do not please you. Help me take quick note of those moments and realign myself with you and your love. Thank you for loving me just as I am. Amen.


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