Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 73


March 5

Like a Watered Garden

The Lord will guide you continually and provide for you, even in parched places. He will rescue your bones. You will be like a watered garden, like a spring of water that won't run dry.

—Isaiah 58:11

Have you ever been really thirsty? You know the kind of thirst that chugging a big glass of water or slamming down a soda just won't cure? It's easy to take getting a glass of water to quench our thirst for granted, even though much of the world struggles to find good drinking water. Many people are thirsty. Many people are parched. Yet even in those places, God offers to be a spring of water that won't run dry.

He parted the waters of the Red Sea and brought his children safely across to dry land. He guided every step and refreshed their spirits with manna and birds. He opened up veins of water from solid rocks to relieve their thirst. God continues to guide and to refresh us wherever we are. He still offers to be our living water if we reach out to him.

If you're feeling a little dry today, needing a bigger splash of his love, then take your little cup and put it out to him. He'll fill it and then he'll keep filling every cup you are willing to put in his hand. Go and get refreshed and renewed in his love today.

In the Flow

Lord, I am thirsty. Sometimes I don't even realize that I've gotten away from you, but when I do, I know I want to leave the desert I've put myself in and draw from your wellspring of living waters. Renew my heart and my life in you today. Amen.


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