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Pray not for self if thou wouldst be most blest,—

The prayers for others are for self the best.

Christ is not first if self be first in prayer;

He blesses most when we for others care.

Forget thyself if thou wouldst Christlike be,

Praying for others, some will pray for thee.

While self’s own burdens are of prayer a part

“Thy kingdom come” is prayed not from the heart.

Pray not for light to solve thy problems right,

But be thyself to other souls a light.

God gave thee mighty strength to help the weak,

And yet thy prayers of thine own weakness speak;

God gave thee power to comfort and to teach,

And lift souls up to heights they strive to reach,

And yet thy prayers ascend to His white throne,

Pleading for comfort for thyself alone;

Thou prayest too for wisdom and release,

And hands to draw thee upward into peace,

Forgetting that which Christ would have thee know,—

Peace comes to those who make peace here below;

Forgetting that His arms shall draw thee near

Only as thine are held to others here;

That wisdom comes to thee each passing hour

By teaching others what is in thy power;

That comfort comes by thy own word and deed,

Which comforts others in the hour of need.

If thou wouldst pray for self, ask God to give

More power in prayer that other souls may live.

To live right is to pray and to believe

That Christ will hear, and that “thou shalt receive.”

Two gifts are thine, if thou wouldst pray aright,—

Peace here below, and Heaven’s eternal light.

Home Poems

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