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The New Hampshire Christian Endeavor State Song

Tune, “How Firm a Foundation.”

The State of New Hampshire is dear to us all,

Her hills and her mountains respond to the call,

Her onflowing rivers in gladness awake

To sound forth the praises of Old Granite State.

Her heroes undaunted in times of distress

’Neath the flag of the union went forth with the rest;

When duty is calling and danger is nigh

The Old Granite State will conquer or die.

Her sons and her daughters are loyal and brave,

’Neath the banner of Christ they march onward to save;

In the battle for right which they undertake

As firm as the granite in Old Granite State.

From loftiest height to lowliest shore

New Hampshire, our home land, is our’s evermore!

“For Christ and the Church” she resounds the glad call,

The Old Granite State sends a greeting to all.

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