Читать книгу Home Poems - Kate Louise Wheeler - Страница 20
ОглавлениеLife is a school for all mankind,
Where daily lessons are assigned
And each may do his best;
God is the Master who will teach
The truths that lie within our reach
And leave to us the rest.
Each has his proper place at start
And each can learn his little part
If earnestly he tries;
Altho’ his standard may be low,
He surely to the head will go
Who on himself relies.
Each has a chance among the rest
To do his worst or do his best
And his must be the choice,—
Either to break the golden rule
And cause confusion in life’s school,
Or heed the Master’s voice.
The discipline is not severe,
Altho’ the Master we should fear
To keep us from a wrong;
There is no need to sigh and fret,
Or to despair, with lashes wet,
Because our task seems long.
The lessons that so oft’ we spurn
We know that some time we must learn,
Then why should we delay?
He stays behind who is the dunce,
The wisest does his task at once
And goes upon his way.
The Master’s sympathy prevails
With him who tries altho’ he fails,
For He will help not chide;
When rest and honors have been won
He hears the Master say: “Well done,”
And he is satisfied.