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“As a producer and literary rep, I have long been committed to inclusion and diversity regarding gender, race, and sexual orientation. My co-authored book, Dating Your Character, focuses on helping writers create multi-dimensional, non-stereotypical characters as Kathleen has shown in real-life stories in this extraordinary book. I’m delighted to endorse Pride & Joy: LGBTQ Artists, Icons and Everyday Heroes,

as it spotlights queer luminaries living open, fulfilling,

happy and successful lives—a departure from many

LGBTQ portrayals.”

Marilyn R. Atlas

Sundance Film Festival Award-Winning Co-Producer,

Real Women Have Curves (HBO)

Co-Author of Dating Your Character (Stairway Press, 2016)

“Kathleen Archambeau wrote a regular column of inspiring profiles for one of the longest-running and largest LGBTQ newspapers in the country, the San Francisco Bay Times. We’re proud to have been her first public forum. Her book, Pride & Joy: LGBTQ Artists, Icons and Everyday Heroes, tells the in-depth stories of 30 global queer icons and is sure to embolden the next generation and give hope to those still struggling with their sexual and gender identity.”

Betty Sullivan, PhD

Publisher, San Francisco Bay Times (Founded in 1978)

First LGBT newspaper in California and one of the first in the world

“Pride & Joy: LGBTQ Artists, Icons and Everyday Heroes not only highlights the contributions of LGBT citizens to world culture, but shows young queer students that being openly gay can bring you happiness, fulfillment and success. The impact it will have on our next generation, as well as on all those who care about social justice, will be significant.”

Mark Leno

First Openly Gay Man Elected to the

California State Senate

Author, SB48, the Fair, Accurate,

Inclusive and Respectful (F.A.I.R.) Education Act (2011):

(Ensures LGBT people and persons

with disabilities are integrated into Education textbooks

and social studies curricula in California public schools)

California State Senator (2008-2016)

California State Assembly (2002-2008)

Pride & Joy

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